Friday, December 5, 2014

Rejection FREE Recruiting - How To Overcome The "I Don't Have Any Money" Objections

How To Overcome The Prospects That Says, "I Don't Have Any Money"

With many years of being in Network Marketing I have experienced a variety of objections from the prospects that I talk to. Probably the most annoying and in many cases the most challenging is the prospect that says I don't have any money.

The tough part about this is that at first you don't know if they truly don't have enough money or is it a case that they are just putting you off. It's vital that when you get that objection you ask the prospect do they see the value and if they had the money would they get started today. 

I am constantly asked from members on my team and other Network Marketers what are some strategies that can overcome this issue. So I started doing some research and I hit the jackpot with this amazing tool that I found. 

This tool that I am using now has instantly eliminated the money objection issue and I'm helping prospects to instantly put an average of $5000 into their pockets after they sign up in my business. As I mentioned, this is a rejection-free recruiting tool that allows you to lead with value as oppose to selling your opportunity.

Be sure to check out my 6-Figure Sales Funnel Blueprint that can get you more leads and sponsor more reps!

 FREE eBook: 4 Steps To Creating 6-Figure Income From Home!!

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