Monday, November 10, 2014

How To Make $500 Per Month Using My "Trip-Wire" Strategy

How To Make $500 Per Month Using My "Trip-Wire" Strategy 

During my time in perfecting internet marketing, I have found a masterful strategy not only to get leads but to generate income as well. Once I mastered this strategy it has completely revolutionized
my own online business.

The whole premise of the tripwire is to present an offer to a prospect that instantly gets their attention. This transitions that prospect to entering their name and email address with interest in your trip-wire offer.

The Anatomy Of The Tripwire

A tripwire is basically an irresistible low-ticket or FREE offer: The value must be immense and the price must be so low that it's not an objective. For example, I put together a 20 page eBook called "The Sales Funnel Blueprint", which explains the 4 key steps to automating your leads and sales process.

This is an irresistible offer, that doesn't form an challenge or barrier when getting your prospects attention. The reason is a tripwire offer should generally cost anywhere between $7-$10. But as soon as that prospect buys my tripwire offer, that's when the comfort and relationship starts to build. This is because the prospect now transitions from a prospect into a customer that has whipped out their credit card and made a purchase.

My Successful Tripwire Offer In Action

Right after learning about the tripwire concept, I immediately too action and put it to use for my business. I presented my offer in three avenues: I posted a blog article of my offer to my Facebook Fan Page, I sent an broad cast email to my existing email list (of ~8,000 subscribers), and I created a Facebook Ad with the offer targeting online marketing trying to build their home business online.

The end result of this initial launch was approximately $512.76 in my bank account from these three avenues. Now you may be thinking, "wow, that's pretty low considering the ads, the facebook post, and the email blast to over 8000 subscribers. My reply to that is, that's great for an initial pass and the result is low because I could have done better with my headlines, etc.

Tripwire Offers Creates the Path to Up-Sell Offers

The purpose of the tripwire is just to get their attention, get some value-added content, and get hungry for more of what you have to offer. This is when you should utilize your autoresponder to blast out your up-sell offer. These are considered high ticket offers like training events, training series, and membership offers.

Again the tripwire offer should not be viewed as profit, it's sole purpose is to lead to an opening of offering your upsell offers.

Go ahead and implement a tripwire offer in your current funnel or system. It works amazingly well to add value and authority to your personal brand. Everyone will think you are insane for giving something away so cheap but will love you because of the value you are giving them. 

How Do I Get Started?

If you have an existing funnel this should be pretty easy to implement into your existing process. For those that do not have a current funnel then you will definitely want to grab my FREE eBook "The Sales Funnel Blueprint" 

It will give you the 4 key stages to build and automate your sales funnel. From there you will want to invest some time into learning a key area to getting leads and match that with a challenge marketers are facing. Pretty cool and simple huh?

Did this provide value to you? If so, please leave a comment below and be sure to share this article with others that you feel needs it.

To Your Success,

Eric Pannell

Connect With Me:

PS - If you are struggling to get leads, facing clutter from too much information, or just want a faster way to build your business online I have the answer for you. .I have been working with a system that has allowed many Top Earners to generate 6-figure incomes from home. Click here to learn more!

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