Monday, June 30, 2014

What is the Best Network Marketing Company?

Which MLM Company Should I Join?

I get this question all the time through my connections on my Facebook Fan Page and Twitter Page. I will get an inbox or DM saying, "Eric I really need help, which company should I join." That to include, I'm struggling with my current company and I need more leads. If this fits you, no worries, it's a normal thing and you are in the majority on this.

While I can certainly provide some strategies to help "attract" more leads, today's topic is focused on what I think in my opinion is the best company you should join. There are many Network Marketing companies out there that offers the best cutting edge products and services. To name a few of the most popular companies, ACN, 5Linx, Amway and more. If you do some research you will find that those companies are established and hold significant respect in the MLM Industry.

The best company that I strongly recommend that you join is YOU. That's right, you need to get great at branding YOU first before you even decide to market a company. Just like Nike, Oreo, Walmart, and more you need to focus on building your brand. The brand of YOU is what will draw people to do business with you.

How Do I Build My Brand?

With the emergence of the internet and social media it has become much easier to build your brand and watch it grow before your eyes. It has become very economical to have your own domain and website to market who you are and what you can do for your customers. I have my website,, and this gives anyone a clear vision of who I am and what I can do for them. You want to have a professional Twitter and Facebook page. This means you need a page that clearly displays that you are in business, associate with others that are in business, and shows your brand.

Why is It Important To Build My Brand?

I see it all the time and even on my current Network Marketing team, people throwing links and lame offerings to join their business. While that will work on some prospects that will not work on the pros that you are seeking to get into your business. You want to show the brand of YOU and provide value to others to attract more leads.

This blog is a high-level overview about building your brand, connect with me NOW by entering your email below. I teach the strategies step by step to build your brand and get more leads. Please be sure to comment with feedback and share with others.

FREE Training: MLM Daily Action Plan For Success eBook!!

To your success,

Eric Pannell
Follow Me: Twitter
Follow Me: Facebook

P.S. This brilliant Facebook Marketer shows you exactly, step-by-step (and I mean step-by-step) how to suck in leads like a Dyson Vacuum cleaner.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

How to Maintain Work-Life Balance with my MLM Business?

How Do I Maintain Work Life Balance?

Maintaining a solid work life balance through the journey of your MLM career is vital. Success is NOT just about how much you are making but also all the OTHER things in your life too.

We all have the goal of being successful in our MLM or Network Marketing business, but what is it truly worth if you do not do your best to keep balance in your life? This means that you need to maintain your health, wellness, socialize with friends, and most importantly spend quality time with your family.

People Rob Themselves of This Valuable Time Constantly.

Those that know me personally (I want you to know me too), know that I strive to maintain that balance in my life especially when it comes to my health and family. I leave time to get out with my friends to have fun and not discuss anything to do with business on many occasions.

Why Should I Leave Time for My Friends.

It is extremely importantly to save time for your friends because those are the people that give you moral support through your journey. The fact is that not all of your friends will join your MLM business as a partner and may not even be your customer. This does not at all mean that they do not support you. It is important that you get out with your friends, live life, and just have fun.

How Can I Include Health and Wellness?

This is even more important than spending time with friends and family. Without a healthy life style, no matter how successful you are you are wasting your time. This means that you should live a healthy life style by eating right and including a strict workout regimen. 5Linx has put on a Wellness Challenge that allows everyone the opportunity to lose weight, sustain a healthy life style, and an amazing opportunity to win $10,000 for your transformation.

Why Is It Important to Spend Time With My Family?

Through the journey of your MLM business, your family will be very supportive and in your corner. It is vital that you reward them for their support of you and their sacrifices. Many of you that start out in a MLM business will start out part-time. This means that you are generally working a 9 to 5 job, then coming home and putting in some hours to build your business. Keep in mind that this is time that you will be taking away from your family. This is why it is important to communicate your desired schedule up front, stick to it, and make time for them.

As a recap of all of this it is important that you maintain your work life balance so that you do not get stressed out and lose focus. Keeping a work life balance if vital to ensure that you are taking care of yourself and being considerate to your friends and family that support you.

Be sure to keep the following in mind:

  1. Set a schedule
  2. Leave time for your family
  3. Maintain a healthy life style
FREE Training: Join us for free training and value-added material! Enter your information below NOW!

To your success,

Eric Pannell
Twitter: Follow Me
Facebook: Follow Me

P.S. Whether you have or haven't it's something that you'll want to avoid like crazy. It's no fun and it will set your business back if Facebook is any part of your marekting strategy.... CLICK HERE NOW

Friday, June 27, 2014

How to Create an MLM Daily Action Plan for Sucess

What should my MLM Daily Action Plan Be?

Trying to make the transition from a regular 9 to 5 job into the MLM or Network Marketing world can be challenging. One of the main reasons are that when you go into your regular job, you already know what is expected of you in terms of your tasks. In your Network Marketing business or any other business, you dictate the necessary task. Those task does not necessarily represent the picture of a straight line but more of a maze depended up on the day.

Attraction Marketing System

Many people go through the presentation, get signed up, come out excited, plow through their warm market then immediately hit a wall. This can be surprising to a lot of new Network Marketers and a continuous frustrating cycle for experienced Network Marketers. Today I want to provide the daily plan that I have in place for myself and I give much credit to Ray Higdon for this.

MLM Daily Action Plan

In order to accomplish your dreams and maky your WHY come to a reality you have to establish a daily plan to live by. This means setting some daily tasks goals and sticking to them. The key here is being consistent through all circumstances even if you are on vacation.

  1. Make time for mindset development
  2. Make time for industry development
  3. Make a new connection with people through Social Media and/or offline.
  4. Write or record "at least" one piece of content daily.
  5. Strive for 20-25 "NOs" per day!
When I personally implemented this into my system everything has completed changed for me. The mindset shift that you have to make is focus more on the task and no on the results. If you do these daily task, the results will come. Marketing online is not an overnight fix to your business, but it is a pathway to success if you be consistent. As I mentioned before, consistency is the key here.

FREE Training! - Enter your information below for your MLM Daily Action Plan training!

To your success,

Eric Pannell

Connect with Me:

P.S. The gurus are always cranking out content at break-neck speed. Every single day they've got a new blog post, or articles going out, and it's quality stuff. This 12 minute video is well worth your time to learn how to produce Authority Content to build an audience.