Friday, June 27, 2014

How to Create an MLM Daily Action Plan for Sucess

What should my MLM Daily Action Plan Be?

Trying to make the transition from a regular 9 to 5 job into the MLM or Network Marketing world can be challenging. One of the main reasons are that when you go into your regular job, you already know what is expected of you in terms of your tasks. In your Network Marketing business or any other business, you dictate the necessary task. Those task does not necessarily represent the picture of a straight line but more of a maze depended up on the day.

Attraction Marketing System

Many people go through the presentation, get signed up, come out excited, plow through their warm market then immediately hit a wall. This can be surprising to a lot of new Network Marketers and a continuous frustrating cycle for experienced Network Marketers. Today I want to provide the daily plan that I have in place for myself and I give much credit to Ray Higdon for this.

MLM Daily Action Plan

In order to accomplish your dreams and maky your WHY come to a reality you have to establish a daily plan to live by. This means setting some daily tasks goals and sticking to them. The key here is being consistent through all circumstances even if you are on vacation.

  1. Make time for mindset development
  2. Make time for industry development
  3. Make a new connection with people through Social Media and/or offline.
  4. Write or record "at least" one piece of content daily.
  5. Strive for 20-25 "NOs" per day!
When I personally implemented this into my system everything has completed changed for me. The mindset shift that you have to make is focus more on the task and no on the results. If you do these daily task, the results will come. Marketing online is not an overnight fix to your business, but it is a pathway to success if you be consistent. As I mentioned before, consistency is the key here.

FREE Training! - Enter your information below for your MLM Daily Action Plan training!

To your success,

Eric Pannell

Connect with Me:

P.S. The gurus are always cranking out content at break-neck speed. Every single day they've got a new blog post, or articles going out, and it's quality stuff. This 12 minute video is well worth your time to learn how to produce Authority Content to build an audience.

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