Friday, August 22, 2014

MLM Tips: If Your WHY Is Big Enough You Can Make All Your Dreams Come True

How Big Is Your Why?

This is a picture of my family in the Bahamas this past week on vacation and words can't explain how amazing it was. The opportunity to break away from the daily grind and the hustles of life is a MUST that ALL families should make a priority you their lives. We had the opportunity to enjoy the Atlantis, Blue Lagoon Beach, and more.

Nothing about this post comes with the intention to brag or to boast about what my family and I did on vacation. Rather it's to point out that I had a goal very early in my life that I wanted to have a family #1, then I wanted to share amazing memories with my family like this. There are many that can achieve this by working a 9 to 5 job, but the opportunity to achieve this along with the freedom is priceless. Freedom is what I want to focus on in this article.

As I just mentioned that we just came off of vacation, and of course when you come back it's a drag because the fairy tale is over. But I have put my family in a position to were we will be heading out to many of these trips throughout the year and not tied to a job.

This is were your WHY is vital and will have to define a WHY that is so BIG that you will do whatever it takes to achieve all of your dreams. This is what happened to me about three years ago as I came across an opportunity that changed my life. Your WHY could be the following:

  • Get out of debt
  • Tired of the grind of a 9 to 5 job
  • Need more freedom with your family
  • Take care of a loved one.
Start today by defining your WHY and most importantly take massive action daily to pursue your dreams and goals.

To your success,

Eric Pannell
Pannell Partners
Follow Me: Twitter
Follow Me: Facebook

P.S. To learn more about an amazing opportunity to where you can eliminate debt, fire your boss, spend more time with family, and take care of loved ones. This is a realistic opportunity where you can make $2000 over the next 60 days and endless residual income after that. To learn more about his opportunity click here NOW ==> Amazing Opportunity

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Would you trade pay for a higher 401(k) match?

***Please Share and Provide Feedback***


As millions of Americans struggle to save enough for retirement, many workers say they are willing to accept lower pay if it means their employer will help them build a bigger nest egg.

Nearly half, or 43%, of workers said they would opt for a lower salary in exchange for a larger employer contribution to their 401(k) plan, a Fidelity Investments survey of more than 1,000 working retirement savers found.
"Employer contributions play a vital role in helping Americans reach their retirement savings goals -- these contributions represent more than 35 percent of the total contributions on average to an employee's workplace savings account," said Doug Fisher, senior vice president of workplace initiatives at Fidelity.
Fidelity noted that many working Americans are only able to save the suggested 10% to 15% of their salary with the help of their employer's contributions.
According to Fidelity's data, 79% of workplace retirement plans offer some sort of employer contribution, whether it be a 401(k) match or profit sharing.

Related: Will you have enough to retire?

Employers pitch in an average of $3,540 (or 4.3% of salary) into worker retirement accounts each year, according to Fidelity.

Over 10 years of saving, that match alone can grow to almost $50,000, assuming 5% annual returns.

Original Post: Click Here 

P.S. If you are reading this article and it is hitting home with you, basically struggling with living or saving please continue to read this message. What if you are able to achieve both, living and saving? I received this information about 3 years ago and it completely changed my life. I wanted to share this same information with you. I want to be your direct coach, and for joining me you will get 24/7 access to reach all the goals that you have set before you.

Click Here to get started with this information.

How to Create a Network Marketing Sales Funnel

When creating a network marketing sales funnel you must understand that you must have the right infrastructure in place to create an online sales funnel.

What Product or Service Are You Offering?

In order to be in business you must have a true product to market in which meets the needs of a specific target market. Since you are more than likely in Network Marketing or MLM you will have your company products to market. Network Marketers definitely place emphasis on moving products but they place even more emphasis on building an organization by way of recruiting business partners.

With those two elements in mind defines your ideal target market which consists of customers for your products and those looking to build income from home. Opportunities such as Amway, Wake Up Now, ACN, 5Linx, and more are typical companies that fits into the example.

The first thing you will want to develop rapport with potential customers by way of your marketing and social networking efforts. This step is the most critical because it sets the tone as to why people should follow you. Your marketing consist of Facebook Fan Page, Advertising, and content to provide value to others.

Once you have established rapport and trust with a solid follower base, this will draw them to follow you in others areas of your funnel. It is vital that you have a blog or a personal website that clearly describes what you can do for them. Regardless if this is through your products or business partnership this is your time to further build trust. This is where you present yourself as an authority figure and people will decide to buy or walk away.

Why Should I Use An Autoresponder?

The last thing that you will want to have established is a strong follow up. Yes this can be manual but in this case I'm referring to an automated follow up such as a autoresponder. There are many reputable autoresponders out there but I personally use Aweber which I think is top notch. An autoresponder allows you to build a list of followers that have successful been moved through different stages of your funnel. You will want to have either daily or every other day automated email follow ups with your prospect in an attempt to convert them from a prospect to a customer.

To learn more about my sales funnels that I help Network Marketers put in place, contact me directly for more information. After all I'm human and I love to get on the phone and help others to fulfill their dreams.

I hope this article was of great value to you. I welcome your feedback and comments to better help me serve you with value-added content daily.

To your success,

Eric Pannell
Pannell Partners
(980) 395-9888

Most of You Have ADHD And Don't Even Know It

Why Can't I Keep The Phone Out of My Hand?

We are now and have been in the fast-pace technology age where we expect everything to come very fast. The trickle down impact of that is the times of eating a meal, watching TV, or even reading a book can't avoid our addictions of picking up our phones for messages and/or Social Media posts. I just read an alarming statistic this morning that 79% of people between the ages of 13-49 say they always or sometimes visit Facebook while watching TV. For this same population 41% of the users say they Tweet about the show while watching TV.

The scary part about this for me is that this tells me why so many people completely missed out on important details of things they should be learning. I'm sure this same population are in good jobs which requires training and they are picking up the phone there as well. Because of the lack of access in our earlier years we didn't face this same type of influence.

I make it a rule in my household personally that when we are eating a family dinner or watching TV phones are to remain down. This allows us to have really quality family discussions, learn about each others day and not bring the outside world into our quality family time. Additionally, this helps relieve my headache of having to repeat something said on TV because my wife or kids are scrolling on their phone.

How Does This Impact Us As Network Marketers

If you are reading this and you are in Network Marketing you understand that every detail is vital to your success. So multitasking on your phone with worthless information only makes it that much harder. I urge you to not fall victim to the statistics that I mentioned above as this will push you further behind where you want to be.

Start by making time for yourself daily to get your tasks done as a professional Network Marketer. If you truly have to spend worthless time looking at misery, funny pics, and sob stories on Facebook, make time for that and be done with it. Make more time for skills development, content creation, and mindset training on a daily basis a priority. By all means do not let Social Media or TV take precedence over those things.

I read this statistic this morning and I was moved to share it with my downline. Now, everyone will say they aren't currently doing this but you have to look yourself in the mirror and be honest with yourself.

I hope you found value in this article. I strongly encourage feedback and comments.

To your success,

Eric Pannell
Pannell Partners
(980) 395-9888

P.S. I know many of you are reading this and you are faced with many challenges that life brings your way. I understand, I have been there before and I'm still fighting through many challenges. If you are currently in Network Marketing but not getting the support you need or not hitting your goals this message is for you. If you are not in Network Marketing but looking for an amazing opportunity to fulfill your dreams this is for you as well. I personally coach and mentor individuals looking to make part-time or life-changing income from home. I encourage you to connect with me at and enter your email address to get access to some information that changed my life.


Sunday, August 10, 2014

Why Multiple Streams of Income?

Why Multiple Streams of Income?

I'm a firm believe that no matter what you do in life for income, you should have multiple ways in which you generate it. One thing that is for certain is that there are no guarantees in life so we must prepare accordingly. Corporate America has shown us that the days of working at one job for 30-35 years are long gone. You have companies now moving jobs abroad, reducing the amount of bodies to perform jobs, and in general "trimming the fat" to ensure they make a good showing for their investors. In summary what I'm saying is that you should not make a habit of going through life putting your eggs into one basket.

If you're considering starting your own home based business, or already have and not much is happening, I encourage you to investigate some of the best network marketing strategies revealed in My Leads System Pro

In this FREE 20 minute video, the Top Earner secrets revealed by a world class marketer. In it he provides the EXACT 3 steps that every HUGE internet marketer must take if they want the life changing six-figure income. I was so taken back by this video that I had to share it. In a nutshell, the video shows you how to be able to earn HUGE COMMISSIONS with most of the more tedious hard work done for you!!


I encourage you to transition your mindset from a worker into a true entrepreneur. An entrepreneur has multiple streams of income and is always looking to add to their menu of services. They are looking for ways to do things better, make things easier for people, using creative skills and developing their own products. People recognize them as YOU, Inc. rather than just another day worker or network marketer.

All can be taken away from you in a split second.

Further, the company that you currently are working for can decide to lay off thousands due to a lawsuit they are facing. I have personally witnessed major layoffs here in the Charlotte, NC area and it has caused homelessness, foreclosures, divorce, and more.

I encourage you to develop the courage to be in business for yourself and develop endless wealth around you. If you are willing to take this journey please feel free to reach me directly.

My Portfolio

I invite you to explore what I'm doing and if you resonate with one or more, let's get you started on your road to creating your own online empire.

I personally own and use the products I represent and are happy with them.


Contact me TODAY

Eric Pannell
(980) 395-9888
Pannell Partners International
Follow Me: Facebook
Follow Me: Twitter

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Friday, August 8, 2014

How NOT To Use Facebook To Get Leads?: What Many Should Know

Do You Know if Others View You as a Spammer?

Since the transition of the internet age, many Network Marketers have turned to the internet and particularly Social Media as a means to get leads. Which by all means is a great approach and I highly recommend it, but just like most things in life there is a right way and wrong way to do it.

The wrong approach is to do what EVERYONE else is doing which is the following:

  1. Throwing links all other the place with NO value behind it.
  2. Sending spam messages to people through their Twitter DM or Facebook inbox. 
  3. Joining groups to send point less articles and links
The point here is that you have to stick out from the crowd, provide value to others, and demonstrate how you can help others outside of just joining your Network Marketing opportunity. I put this quick video together to talk about how to stick out from the crowd and get results. Hope you Enjoy!

I hope that you found value in this video please provide feedback as I'm always looking to provide the best value that I can. As a free gift I want to give you a FREE gift to get 15+ leads per day online by entering your email below:

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To Your Success,

Eric Pannell 
Pannell Partners International
Follow me: Twitter
Follow me: Facebook

Monday, August 4, 2014

How To Get Leads For Network Marketing: Get FREE Coaching Today!

How To Get Leads For Your Network Marketing Business?

My guess is that you are here because you are in a Network Marketing business and you have hit a wall. And that wall is that you ran out of your friends and family to talk to because they are either not returning your calls or not showing up to your presentations as they promised. Next, you did a little brainstorming, and you turned to Google to do some searching on how to find leads online. If I'm not spot on with my assumption, then I'm very close to being 100% accurate. Sound about right? If so, don't worry it's not your fault and we all have been through this.

The purpose of the article is to give you the necessary information on how to  develop a system to get endless leads online. This system will put you in position to have leads knocking on your door for your opportunity and you will not have to chase them as you do today. Through this information you will learn how to do the following:

  1. Get leads through Twitter, Facebook, Linked (All the Social Media Outlets)
  2. You will have access to pre-made Lead Capture pages.
  3. Receive live training from Top Income Earners in the MLM Industry
  4. Learn how to created Blog that will give you endless traffic
  5. Provide you with a Sales Funnel Blueprint.
When I access to this information it completely changed the landscape of my business and my life overall. I would like to offer my services with a 30 minute consultation, showing how you can build this system in a matter of a few hours. There is simply no reason why you should remain struggling to be successful with you Network Marketing business.

I provide New and Existing Network Marketers valuable information to help them be successful with your MLM company. For connecting with me today I would like to provide you with some FREE training on how to get 15+ leads per day using Twitter. So Take Action now by entering your information below:

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To your success,
Eric Pannell
(980) 395-9888
P.S. If you like the training provided above about building a system and getting leads through Twitter. You will love my tips on why Network Marketers should have a Daily Action Plan. Most Network Marketers are winging it and not sure what to do on a daily basis. I eliminate the questions around this by providing you with a step-by-step action list. Click Here to get access.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

How To Take Your Business From Struggling To $10K+ Per Month On Auto-Pilot

If you're like a chicken with your head cut-off desperately trying  to build your business and turn a profit, I FEEL YOU!

You feel lost, confused, broke, hurt, lied to, struggling, and in a whole LOT of pain. You're a good person who wants (and deserves) success, just like a few years ago. I was doing everything right! I was calling my entire rolodex friends and family like my upline told me to.

I was out doing the in-house meetings, the 1-on-1's, the belly-to-belly that was going to get me to $20K+ per month residuals...... Needless to say I was failing miserably and I was lost, hurt, and broke.

And then I found somebody....and this somebody knew a little bit about making $20K+ per month online with ANY online business... and he gave me his entire PROVEN system... RISK-F*R*E*E!

And it worked for me! And now I'd like to share it with you:

Access Now: CLICK HERE

From feeling like a chicken with his head cut-off, to now a laser-focused charging rhino who now knows how the top earners REALLY build their empires.

THE GAME HAS CHANGED FOR ME. And it can for you too.

A whole new world awaits you,

Eric Pannell
Pannell Partners International
(980) 395-9888

P.S. If you like what you have read here, I provide daily tips and strategies to build your online business FREE. Take action by entering your name and email address below to receive FREE Training on getting 15+ leads per day using Social Media

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Saturday, August 2, 2014

What to Overcome Your Fears? - Have a Day of Challenge

How Can I Overcome My Fears?

Aristotle believed courage to be the most important quality in a man. "Courage is the first of human virtues because it makes all others possible," he wrote. Today, it's one of the more neglected areas of positive psychology which is why more and more people settle for not achieving their dreams or goals. This holds true especially for many of us that are in Network Marketing which takes a great deal of courage.

After being in Network Marketing for numerous years, you come across many different personality types. The different types all tie back to how they are willing to deal with challenge. There are those that are willing to take the leap and face it head on. Then there are those that are not sure of themselves but are willing to give it a try but progressively learn along the way.

Take a Day of Challenge

Because I'm in an industry that the key requirement is to withstand all types of challenges and obstacles I take pride in writing this article. My profession is working with individuals who are willing to face their fears and want to fulfill their dreams, simply put. So as you can see, facing your fears and challenges is a key qualifier for me.

For those of you reading this that are in Network Marketing and your fears or challenges getting in your way for success. I recommend you start taking a full day to challenge yourself. There are generally a list of things that you as a marketer should be doing but fearful to do. Below are a list of things that you can start with and without fear of it being perfect you should do on that day:

  1. Write a blog
  2. Make a video providing some value to others.
  3. Introduce yourself and build relationships (online and/or offline).
  4. Sounds simple, but make your follow-up calls to prospects
These are critical things that many are scared to do because of fear of doing it wrong or being judged. I highly recommend just take the leap, step out there and don't worry about mistakes. The mistakes are your learning lessons for making it right and doing it right for a long time. 

I hope that you found some value in this article as it is very important to me. Many of the reading this are afraid to admit to yourself that you have fear and that's the only thing standing in between you and your success. As I mentioned, I work with individuals that really want to achieve their dreams and overcome their fears. I welcome you to reach out to me so that we can work out a plan to achieve all the success you want. Take action below by entering your name and email address:

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To your success,

Eric Pannell
Pannell Partners International
(980) 395-9888