Tuesday, August 12, 2014

How to Create a Network Marketing Sales Funnel

When creating a network marketing sales funnel you must understand that you must have the right infrastructure in place to create an online sales funnel.

What Product or Service Are You Offering?

In order to be in business you must have a true product to market in which meets the needs of a specific target market. Since you are more than likely in Network Marketing or MLM you will have your company products to market. Network Marketers definitely place emphasis on moving products but they place even more emphasis on building an organization by way of recruiting business partners.

With those two elements in mind defines your ideal target market which consists of customers for your products and those looking to build income from home. Opportunities such as Amway, Wake Up Now, ACN, 5Linx, and more are typical companies that fits into the example.

The first thing you will want to develop rapport with potential customers by way of your marketing and social networking efforts. This step is the most critical because it sets the tone as to why people should follow you. Your marketing consist of Facebook Fan Page, Advertising, and content to provide value to others.

Once you have established rapport and trust with a solid follower base, this will draw them to follow you in others areas of your funnel. It is vital that you have a blog or a personal website that clearly describes what you can do for them. Regardless if this is through your products or business partnership this is your time to further build trust. This is where you present yourself as an authority figure and people will decide to buy or walk away.

Why Should I Use An Autoresponder?

The last thing that you will want to have established is a strong follow up. Yes this can be manual but in this case I'm referring to an automated follow up such as a autoresponder. There are many reputable autoresponders out there but I personally use Aweber which I think is top notch. An autoresponder allows you to build a list of followers that have successful been moved through different stages of your funnel. You will want to have either daily or every other day automated email follow ups with your prospect in an attempt to convert them from a prospect to a customer.

To learn more about my sales funnels that I help Network Marketers put in place, contact me directly for more information. After all I'm human and I love to get on the phone and help others to fulfill their dreams.

I hope this article was of great value to you. I welcome your feedback and comments to better help me serve you with value-added content daily.

To your success,

Eric Pannell
Pannell Partners
(980) 395-9888

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