Saturday, August 2, 2014

What to Overcome Your Fears? - Have a Day of Challenge

How Can I Overcome My Fears?

Aristotle believed courage to be the most important quality in a man. "Courage is the first of human virtues because it makes all others possible," he wrote. Today, it's one of the more neglected areas of positive psychology which is why more and more people settle for not achieving their dreams or goals. This holds true especially for many of us that are in Network Marketing which takes a great deal of courage.

After being in Network Marketing for numerous years, you come across many different personality types. The different types all tie back to how they are willing to deal with challenge. There are those that are willing to take the leap and face it head on. Then there are those that are not sure of themselves but are willing to give it a try but progressively learn along the way.

Take a Day of Challenge

Because I'm in an industry that the key requirement is to withstand all types of challenges and obstacles I take pride in writing this article. My profession is working with individuals who are willing to face their fears and want to fulfill their dreams, simply put. So as you can see, facing your fears and challenges is a key qualifier for me.

For those of you reading this that are in Network Marketing and your fears or challenges getting in your way for success. I recommend you start taking a full day to challenge yourself. There are generally a list of things that you as a marketer should be doing but fearful to do. Below are a list of things that you can start with and without fear of it being perfect you should do on that day:

  1. Write a blog
  2. Make a video providing some value to others.
  3. Introduce yourself and build relationships (online and/or offline).
  4. Sounds simple, but make your follow-up calls to prospects
These are critical things that many are scared to do because of fear of doing it wrong or being judged. I highly recommend just take the leap, step out there and don't worry about mistakes. The mistakes are your learning lessons for making it right and doing it right for a long time. 

I hope that you found some value in this article as it is very important to me. Many of the reading this are afraid to admit to yourself that you have fear and that's the only thing standing in between you and your success. As I mentioned, I work with individuals that really want to achieve their dreams and overcome their fears. I welcome you to reach out to me so that we can work out a plan to achieve all the success you want. Take action below by entering your name and email address:

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To your success,

Eric Pannell
Pannell Partners International
(980) 395-9888

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