Friday, August 8, 2014

How NOT To Use Facebook To Get Leads?: What Many Should Know

Do You Know if Others View You as a Spammer?

Since the transition of the internet age, many Network Marketers have turned to the internet and particularly Social Media as a means to get leads. Which by all means is a great approach and I highly recommend it, but just like most things in life there is a right way and wrong way to do it.

The wrong approach is to do what EVERYONE else is doing which is the following:

  1. Throwing links all other the place with NO value behind it.
  2. Sending spam messages to people through their Twitter DM or Facebook inbox. 
  3. Joining groups to send point less articles and links
The point here is that you have to stick out from the crowd, provide value to others, and demonstrate how you can help others outside of just joining your Network Marketing opportunity. I put this quick video together to talk about how to stick out from the crowd and get results. Hope you Enjoy!

I hope that you found value in this video please provide feedback as I'm always looking to provide the best value that I can. As a free gift I want to give you a FREE gift to get 15+ leads per day online by entering your email below:

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To Your Success,

Eric Pannell 
Pannell Partners International
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