Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Most of You Have ADHD And Don't Even Know It

Why Can't I Keep The Phone Out of My Hand?

We are now and have been in the fast-pace technology age where we expect everything to come very fast. The trickle down impact of that is the times of eating a meal, watching TV, or even reading a book can't avoid our addictions of picking up our phones for messages and/or Social Media posts. I just read an alarming statistic this morning that 79% of people between the ages of 13-49 say they always or sometimes visit Facebook while watching TV. For this same population 41% of the users say they Tweet about the show while watching TV.

The scary part about this for me is that this tells me why so many people completely missed out on important details of things they should be learning. I'm sure this same population are in good jobs which requires training and they are picking up the phone there as well. Because of the lack of access in our earlier years we didn't face this same type of influence.

I make it a rule in my household personally that when we are eating a family dinner or watching TV phones are to remain down. This allows us to have really quality family discussions, learn about each others day and not bring the outside world into our quality family time. Additionally, this helps relieve my headache of having to repeat something said on TV because my wife or kids are scrolling on their phone.

How Does This Impact Us As Network Marketers

If you are reading this and you are in Network Marketing you understand that every detail is vital to your success. So multitasking on your phone with worthless information only makes it that much harder. I urge you to not fall victim to the statistics that I mentioned above as this will push you further behind where you want to be.

Start by making time for yourself daily to get your tasks done as a professional Network Marketer. If you truly have to spend worthless time looking at misery, funny pics, and sob stories on Facebook, make time for that and be done with it. Make more time for skills development, content creation, and mindset training on a daily basis a priority. By all means do not let Social Media or TV take precedence over those things.

I read this statistic this morning and I was moved to share it with my downline. Now, everyone will say they aren't currently doing this but you have to look yourself in the mirror and be honest with yourself.

I hope you found value in this article. I strongly encourage feedback and comments.

To your success,

Eric Pannell
Pannell Partners
(980) 395-9888

P.S. I know many of you are reading this and you are faced with many challenges that life brings your way. I understand, I have been there before and I'm still fighting through many challenges. If you are currently in Network Marketing but not getting the support you need or not hitting your goals this message is for you. If you are not in Network Marketing but looking for an amazing opportunity to fulfill your dreams this is for you as well. I personally coach and mentor individuals looking to make part-time or life-changing income from home. I encourage you to connect with me at www.ericpannell.com and enter your email address to get access to some information that changed my life.


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