Sunday, October 26, 2014

Make Money Blogging: Learn To Go From $0 to $100K Per Month

Make Money Blogging: Learn To Go From $0 to $100K Per Month

You know everyone thinks we're fools, right?

To most of the world, blogging is a joke.

It isn't a career. It isn't a way to make money.
It isn't a tool for changing

It's a hobby, a diversion, a fad that'll come
and go, Sure, you can start a blog, but don't
count on it to take you anywhere. That's just

Try telling your family or friends or coworkers
you want to quit your job and make money

This Blogging System Will Get YOU There....

This made-for-you Blogging System, will ensure that you are on the right
track to earning $100K per month. Yes, that's right..... FINALLY!
done-for-you articles written by expert marketers that immediately
brand you as the expert, sell your products, promote your services, market
your affiliate programs, and get people to join your business.....all on


The reason you will succeed with this system is you will learn and work
with the best experts in this industry. Every day, you will learn how to
crunch numbers, read the right books, and spend at least 30 minutes
in silence, staring into the distance, doing nothing but thinking...

To Your Success,

PS: Are you thinking about starting a blog but not sure where to start? Or
do you have a fear of writing your first blog? This system is calling your
name and a must watch. Register for the FREE 12 minute video here.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Network Marketing Recruiting: How To Attract High Quality Prospects

How To Attract High Quality Prospects

Anyone that's trying to be successful with Network Marketing Recruiting, YOU MUST invest time and development to ATTRACT high quality people.

This short video shares some valuable tips that will help you to ATTRACT high quality prospects daily to build your business online. 

Isn't Everyone A Prospect For My Business?

You should definitely talk to as many people as you can in order to build your business. I would not make a habit out of being selective of who you talk to without actually talking to them. In order to recruit high quality people you should invest in yourself to be able to identify the traits and quality of high quality prospects.

  1. High quality people are typically more open minded than people that haven't achieved financial or professional success in their lives. There's a reason they have achieved some success and sometimes it is simply because they were open to either taking a risk they invested in themselves to get educated and connect with other high achievers.
  2. Birds of a feather, flock together. High quality people typically hang out with other high quality people and usually the higher up the economic chain, the more connected you find those people to other high quality individuals. It takes the same amount of time to practice network marketing recruiting skills on high quality people as it does those that have yet to create success so why not?
The message here is that you should not go out and be selective of who you prospect. I have recruited people into my business that at the first conversation I didn't feel strongly they would even stick the business out. The opposite actually happened and they have since built a substantial residual income from home. 

Video: Learn Some Key Tips To Recruiting High Quality People

Did this post help you? Feel free to share and comment!

To Your Success,

Did This Help You? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and shared on Facebook.

Connect With Me:

PS: Start Implementing This Underground, Proven, And Time-Tested Strategy Into YOUR Business Right Now To Recruit Quality Leaders Into YOUR Business TODAY! Click here to Register

Thursday, October 23, 2014

How Getting Leads & Converting Sales Is Similar To A Marriage Proposal

Why YOU Should Treat Leads & Sales Like A Marriage Proposal

I was doing some morning reflection yesterday morning and I started to think about when I proposed to my wife. It goes without saying that if was a special day, and one that I will never forget.

In the middle of those thoughts I started to think about the process and everything that led up to that moment. We were friends first, then we dated for a while and then when the time was right I proposed. The rest was history.............

BEFORE you attempt to get another lead online I want to share how Top Earners are getting 2000+ leads per month and building their downlines. Watch the short video below as I explain how building your home business online is very similar to a marriage proposal.

Short Video Here To Help YOU

A piece of advice that I should have shared in the video is that YOU MUST shift your focus towards giving 'value' to others and building relationships. After all, this is Network Marketing folks and it's an industry that thrives on doing for others. 

Leads/prospects WILL want to follow you if you show that you care and willing to help others. I truly enjoy helping other marketers to build their business which is why I blog daily. 

Was that helpful? You have to understand transform your mind towards helping others and building relationships. Feel free to share this if you got value and comment below if this helps you and your business.

To Your Success!

Did This Help You? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and shared on Facebook.


PS: After reading this you may be thinking, "Eric, I don't have a website or anything of value that I can share with other marketers." I know, feels like I'm reading your mind, not really because I've been there before. I utilize a system that not only gives me the tools to provide value, but earn residual income while learning to do so. Click HERE to register and learn how!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Secret To Increasing YOUR Sales Online Is By Identifying YOUR Avatar

Identifying YOUR Avatar

Law #1 - DO NOT attempt to CONVINCE people to a new way of thinking. Instead, locate people
who ALREADY BUY and enjoy the type of stuff like you sell. Why? Because they will buy more of the same kind of stuff.

CLUE: Narrow-Narrow-Narrow - SHRINK your "buyer-profile" until it consists of only the psychographic of people who actually WANT and PAY... they require the LEAST persuasion...take the LEAST time.... they will make you the MOST money....complain and whine the LEAST...and they are the MOST happy.

Example A: Solomon CEO = John Maxwell & Zig Ziglar NOT Joel Osteen & Joyce Meyer

Example B: Condo Travel Product = Middle-Aged Moms NOT Spring Break College Kids

ACTION-STEP #1: List 7 things (groups, authors, people, events, companies, products, clubs, stores, subjects) your "itchy buyers" are clicking "LIKE" on Facebook:


ACTION-STEP #2: Actually GO to Facebook and begin looking around for groups that your avatar hangs out in (be more alert to the amount of "interaction" inside the group instead of the sheer size of people who LIKE the group/author/subject). 

Then pop over and actually "Google" the phrases you think your buyer would enter. List 3 potential "fishing holes" inside Facebook. Before you think of "getting leads", think of "finding places" to put ads that attract the perfect leads who are already buying the kinds of things you are offering.

To Your Success!

Did This Help You? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and shared on Facebook.

Eric Pannell's Sals & Marketing Blog

PS: Do you need help with generating leads using the Internet? This might help (it sure helped me), Click Here to Learn More

Monday, October 20, 2014

The Fabulous 4: Your Non-Negotiable Checklist for RED HOT Converting Offers

RED HOT Converting Offers Checklist

DO NOT think you are selling a single product or service to a client; you are making them
comprehensive OFFER that inspires urgent action right now. To inspire that urgent "right now" action, your marketing must contain these specific elements:


Good marketing helps people do what they want to do faster. Good marketing actually moves people into their dreams and goals faster.

Good marketing is a mechanism of transformation. Good marketing helps people fight their procrastination syndrome and makes them happier as they dig into products/services that give them tangible proof they are moving toward their dreams.

Good marketing can even create dreams......

Example: My poor college friend who bought the $250 NorthFace jacket.

Urgency is usually best achieved through deadlines. 8-figure nuance: explain why your deadline is NOT artificial but is real.

Example: "Join Pannell Partners by XYZ because we start Alliance competitions on Thursday, and we have graduation is 120 days.

Value Stack

To prove the price is a Seal Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt. People online will only pull out their credit card and purchase things AFTER the "is this worth the money they are requesting?" threshold has been clearly explained and demonstrated during the marketing.

Engagement Questions: If someone purchased your product right now, how much money could they save over the next 12 months?

If someone doesn't purchase your product right now, how much money are they losing by going without the product or how much they are over-paying by going with another product?

How much did the product cost to develop? (The movie cost $11 Million to make; it costs us $9 to go watch....that's a good deal).

Example: I pay for weekly massages not only because I feel better, but I believe they help me work better and more relaxed, so I can create better info and make more money.

Example: I sell travel, so my buyers can impress others with all the interesting places they ahve been and the cheap prices they pay.

Social Proof

Although super-masters can sell without social proof, it is WAY harder to do.

Engagement Question: Whom do you know RIGHT NOW, that can make a 1 or 2-minute video (or that you can interview) that will give a glowing testimony for your product/service?

Ancient Phrase: "Let other people praise you (or your product/services) and not your own tongue. Let it be a stranger, and not your own lips."

Modern Marketing Goal: Rally testimonies from other people who praise your products! (Extra Better: if you have a picture or video of them using your product...that's way better!).

Offer Intensifiers (Bonuses)

It's better to scale back the offer, and ADD bonuses instead of just say "OK, here is the offer for $X."

Engagement Question: What are related bonuses and added incentives that will make my offer better? (Membership to a private Facebook group, special report, and personal coaching on how to use the product, free book you make them, etc).

Conclusion: Every red-hot offer involves the Fabulous 4:

- Urgency: "Do you have a clear and meaningful reason why should purchase right now? Have you built a strong case for them to feel like they are missing-out if they don't take ownership immediately?"

- Price-Proving: "Does your marketing allow them to easily cross the 'is this worth the money they are asking for?' threshold? Have you stacked the value so the money needed to make the purchase seems like no big deal?

- Social Proof: "Are you taking EVERY advantage of actively collecting testimonies from happy users?"

- Offer Intensifiers: "Do you have compelling and interesting BONUSES that are related to the product to move it into the 'irresistible offer' zone?

Did this provide value to you and better serve you in building your Home Business?

Please share this on your Social Media outlets, and we value your feedback so please comment below.

To Your Success,


PS: If you are struggling to build your Home Business Online and want to cut your learning curve in half then you are in the right place at the right time. I have spent the countless hours and money to put together a package for you to build a Sales Funnel that I am personally using to earn thousands from home. Access directly here

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Take Action & Build YOUR Business Like You Are On Fire

Take Action & Build YOUR Business Like You Are On Fire
Today I am sharing a philosophy I have when it comes to building my Home Business.
For me personally this has truly been the biggest difference between spinning my wheels to getting the results that I want. If you implement this same tip you will be on your way from struggling to success.
The Biggest Difference Between Those That Fail vs. Succeed
As with any business venture that you are taking on you must have a purpose of what we call a WHY. This allows you to be laser focused on a vision, goals and all the rewards of your journey and the finish line.
Once you have your purpose or WHY in place it's time to "quickly" plan then take MASSIVE ACTION like your are literally on fire. Think about it, if you are on fire are you going to slow poke around to find water or are you going to immediately put it out? I think we both know the answer to this.
Not sure if this is you but those that are struggling or not failing are stuck in plan mode. Constantly looking a training, reading all of their notes, basically planning to plan. My goal TODAY is to help you change your mindset from planning to plan now to quickly planning then taking MASSIVE ACTION.
Crossing The Path To MASSIVE ACTION
The reason that I encourage you to take MASSIAVE ACTION is not only it is a winning strategy to have daily. But it also puts you ahead of the curve of most people. See, most people are ok with doing a little here and there. NO, where you will be different after this article is take action, make some mistakes, learn from them, then TAKE MORE ACTION.
You have to be OK with failure but understand that the failure you are experiencing is ONLY temporary. It's temporary because you ultimate control if it's a permanent failure or a learning lesson to do things right going forward.
When I go serious about my Network Marketing business I told my wife that I have altered some things in my life which will require me to watch less TV #1. I will devote my time towards developing my skills, and taking action to build my business daily.
As Ray Higdon has taught me is that REAL entrepreneurs "Do it until". What he is saying that no matter what challenges you face you keep pushing "until" your dreams become reality. Folks, that is the real difference between success and failure.
This approach has allowed me to reach the stars and the moon in terms of my vision that I have set out for my family.
To Your Success,
Did This Help You? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and shared on Facebook.
PS: If you are struggling with building your Home Business online I want to extend my help out to you. I work with Network Marketers to build their Home Business online and truly enjoy seeing others to success. Shoot me an email and "Like" my Fan Page for direct access.

Do This Before Your Competition Does........

Hello....I'm woke up this morning with this
feeling that I want to share a HUGE

When I first started my journey of Internet
Marketing I was lost. I was slammed with
too much info, vague direction, and I
simply couldn't pull it all together.

I'm not sure if this is the feeling that you
are feeling right now, but if so keep reading.

See, I was told to learn ONE strategy, master
it, and the cash starts rolling in. Well, let me
tell you it's a little bit more complicated than

Everyone, and I do mean everyone is selling
something now online. Which is great because
it ensures that you are doing the right thing.
But the curse to this is that everyone of your
target audience is slammed with offers.

Here is the secret that you have been waiting
for. If you just focus on taking the info, simplify
it to fit you, and here is the MOST important piece
.......JUST BE YOU!

Too many times I see people being robots, copying
info from a system and it's so transparent. Just as
you are in everyday life be who you are.

It's business yes, I get it you want to make money but
in this environment it's important to be YOU! If you
are a funny person with people in everyday life, let
that show through in your venture to market online.

These are the things that will set you apart and
attract so many people because they will see you are
a REAL person.

To make this worth your while for reading I want to
extend my hand out to you. I am a member of a group
of REAL PEOPLE that live by what I'm sharing with
you on a daily basis.

This group thrives to help people, just like you to
achieve your dreams and FREEDOM. That's what we
are ALL in this for right, FREEDOM.

I'm a REAL PERSON, wife, 2 kids, and a fun loving
Yorkie named Audrey Hepburn (wife named her). My
door is open to you as I strive to help online marketers
to grow their business.

It was on my heart to share this and I hope this lifts your
day to success!

To Your Success,

Eric Pannell's Sales & Marketing Blog
(980) 395-9888

PS: Need help with building your business online and not sure where to turn? Check out this Controversial interview proves why Top Earners Make More in One Month than YOU Make in One Year, and how YOU can BUILD YOUR CURRENT BUSINESS and EARN like a Rockstar Today!  Register Here

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Late Night Confession

It's rather late for the 
usual email or update...

I'm sure many of you
like me want to get
that last bit work
while others are turning
in going to sleep.

It FEELS GOOD to have 
the opportunity, the chance
to share with you about a 
more personal side of me...

Do I have your permission
TO GET personal for a second?

If your still reading I will take
that as A YES!  

I enjoy helping others more
than I enjoy money going
into my own pocket. Yes,
you read that correctly.

I enjoy the moments that
you see in the movies. I
dream of helping others
change their lives.

I dream of getting phone
calls or an email with tears
of joy that helped someone
ACHIEVE their dreams.

I've created an arena where
I make my dreams come true
of helping others ACHIEVE

I enjoy internet marketing, but
I enjoy building REAL 
relationships even more. 

Please join me at
where I share tips/strategies
to build your home business

YOU now have a real life
confession, and I'm sure there
will be more to come...

Maybe tomorrow, I will send
you a marketing email...
Tonight was a little break..
Talk to you soon!

To Your Success,

Eric Pannell's Sales & Marketing Blog
(980) 395-9888

Are YOU Ready?

Are you ready to ROCK?
Ready to take YOUR 
business to the next level?

If your tired of struggling,
tired of spinning in circles...
Have you been spending,
and not seeing a return?

Here is the deal, STOP!
Simply stop struggling!
You can succeed if you want it!

Right now YOU can secure 
an exclusive spot with me...
Imagine being able to peek
over my shoulder and do LIVE
work sessions together! 
Yeah that is possible, 
HOWEVER, this is only going 
to be available at this price 
point for a limited time!  
Grab you spot HERE

Hey I gotta run, going to have a fun 
PRODUCTIVE work session this 
Sunday evening so I have to put
some goodies together for you!

To YOUR Success,

Eric Pannell's Sales & Marketing Blog

PS - If you are struggling to get leads and want to learn the secrets that Home Business Top Earners are using then please listen up. Join The Best Weekly Webinar EVERY Wednesday Where Internet Marketing Top Earners Will Show YOU How To Get Leads and On The Right Path To Being a 6-Figure Earner. Register Here.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

How To Get Off To A Great Start With YOUR MLM Business

Starting Your Business Right
Regardless if it's your first time starting an MLM business or if you are making the transition from
one to another.
We have all been there before but I want to provide assurance that it does not have to be that way for you. Today's blog will help you understand a key thing that you need to do before trying to sell any of your services/products or recruit any prospects.
What Are My Risks?
In today's world where job security is low, job availability is even lower depended upon where you live, it's very risky to depend solely on a JOB for income. As the saying goes, putting ALL your eggs in one basket definitely applies here.
Taking advantage of an opportunity that allows you to earn income part-time, that fan grow into full-time income if one of the best ways to eliminate that risk.
What most people fear about starting a business is the monetary investment it takes, and expecting an immediate return. Network Marketing or Internet Marketing allows you the ability to start a business for less than $1,000.
If you are aware of the investment it takes to own a McDonald's (~$500,000) then you will realize this is very low risk compared to that. I however think the bigger risk in this is not doing anything and letting an opportunity like this slip by.
One Key Thing to Understand About Business
Everyone that starts a business wants to be profitable as soon as possible and get their investment back in return. You need to focus on investing the time and money back into your business in order to make it successful.
I invest countless hours and money back into myself to make me to complete professional that I strive to be. My business will grow every year as I personally grow and learn the necessary skills to expand my business.
When you follow the advice in the below video and really get what I am suggesting, you will learn from Ray Higdon the key to becoming a leader in your MLM Company. I hope you enjoy the video!
How to Become a Leader in Your MLM Company
In the video I mentioned I help Network Marketers to grow their business, by getting leads and sponsoring more reps. If you are in any form of sales, this FREE training will help you can you can register here. Feel free to tell your teammates and friends if you'd like to help them start making more sales.
Did you get value from the above video? If so, please leave me a comment below, we always appreciate it!
To Your Success!
Did This Help You? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and shared on Facebook.
Eric Pannell's Sales and Marketing Blog
PS: Are you stuck and not able to move forward with your MLM business because of lack of leads? Check out this video where I shared 3 Prospecting  Tips that are GUARANTEED to get you 100+ leads next week! - Click Here to Find Out More


Monday, October 13, 2014

MLM Tips: How To Get Leads and Make Money Online Using Attraction Marketing.

How To Make Attraction Marketing Work For YOU!
Learning attraction marketing completely changed my business and in this quick video I share how to use it to make money and build your MLM or Home Business.
What is Attraction Marketing?
Attraction marketing starts with you providing value to "others" and in return you will get customers, leads, and prospects on a daily basis. This is also when customers are magnetically attracted to YOU and seek YOU out because you give value, offers solutions, and provide a pain killer to your customer's pain! (simply put, you become the hunted instead of the hunter)

There are a couple of ways to go about developing the strategy of Attraction Marketing, either the easy way or the hard way.

Let's start with the hard way! The hard way consist of you spending countless hours to pull in the knowledge, and a lot of money as well. This can become a time consuming process, which could leave you discouraged, confused, stressed out, and thinking about giving up.

When I first started out I went the hard path because I wanted to be cheap and not invest in myself to get to where I needed to be. That mindset only made me have a longer learning curve, and stuck without ANY progress.

In the video below I want to share with you how to take the EASY path to Attraction Marketing by adding value with MLSP. MLSP allows you to PROVIDE VALUE to your customers and prospects even if you're day 1 in this industry with zero experience or success...


Well, what does your target market want, and what is their biggest pain points?


With MLSP, you get to show millions of home business owners (your target market) how to get more leads and more money in their business by simply sharing the powerful MLSP trainings and tutorials... for FREE!

With MLSP, you get to LEAD WITH VALUE and provide the biggest "pain killers" (info on how to get MORE LEADS and MORE MONEY) to your target market (home business owners, or people looking to start a home business).

YOU are the messenger... providing SOLUTIONS and VALUE to MILLIONS of home business owners across the globe on how to get more leads and more money with their home business....

This attracts quality, interested prospects to YOU.

No more desperate chasing.... No more pitching... No more rejection...

THIS is attraction marketing... This is POWER.... This is LEVERAGE.... THIS is how ALL top earners are marketing their businesses online, period.

Attraction marketing, the 4 profit / revenue streams, leading with value, incredible invaluable LIVE weekly internet marketing training for you, your prospects, and team members, community, culture, integrity, passion.....


I want you to think 1, 3, or 5 years from now and vision what 1000+ leads per month WILL do your your business that you DID NOT have to chase.

I also want you to think where that will put you in your compensation plan, and allow you to experience the FREEDOM that you are seeking with your family. Imagine generating the income to fund your kids school, eliminate debt, and spend MORE time with your family.

This is ALL of what MLSP can do for you.

Take ACTION by clicking here to learn MORE about how MLSP Will Change Your Life >> CLICK HERE

I hope this blog provides you with value and I would greatly appreciate your feedback. Please comment and share with your team.

To your success,

Eric Pannell
Pannell Partners International

Friday, October 10, 2014

Internet Marketing Tips: 3 Prospecting Tips That Work (Online and Offline)

Internet Marketing Tips: 3 Prospecting Tips That Work (Online & Offline)

Are you paralyzed in regards to your online marketing goals to build your Network Marketing business? I want to share 3 steps that will help you to kick through the door of challenges that you are facing and experience tremendous breakthroughs.

Watch this short video to get out of the rut, stress, and frustrations that many Network Marketers face!

The First Tip on How to Effectively Prospect......

WARNING! There is NOTHING technical about what you are about to see. These are tactics that are duplicable (where the real money is anyway and do not require a college degree or a high level of computer skill but DO require YOU to be a HUSTLER. 

Tip #1 is my favorite and has made a difference in my business once I was introduced to it. It's called a "System", that's right folks you MUST either build or plug into a system. I prefer to eliminate the cost, time, and headache by plugging into a system.

To get directly to it this system comes equipped with all the necessary trainings, capture pages, banner ads, and lead attraction content that you can copy/paste. See when I first started with internet marketing I spent countless hours and money to build a "system" on my own. Not only is this system ready made for your but once you plug in, you can start generating 5+ leads per day on Day 1. 

Watch the training, write down some notes, then go out and advertise this material on Social Media sites of your choice then generate 5+ leads/day with this one strategy alone. If that doesn't have you jumping out of your seat then you are clearly in the wrong industry, or you are just comfortable with what you are currently doing. I'm fired up just sharing this with you!

There are two more tips that I want to share below in this video, make sure you watch it and you may want to share it with your teammates or friends.

Video: 3 Effective Prospecting Tips

Was that helpful? Do you know a few people that might benefit from that video? Feel free to share and also if you want to register for the webinar where the full 10 Prospecting Tips are shared, you can register here and also feel free to share that link too. 

So honored to help you in your journey, thanks for stopping by!

To Your Success!

Did This Help You? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and shared on Facebook.

"I Teach You the Marketing, Mindset and Sales Strategies to Make More Money and Follow Your Passion!"

P.S.: Do you want to know the secrets of MLM Top Earners? If you have not yet hit your goals to build your business online, check out this Online Marketing System that the Top Earners are using - Click Here to Find Out

If you enjoyed this post on 3 Prospecting Tips, retweet and comment please.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

My Biggest Tip on How to Improve Your Business

My Biggest Tip on How to Improve Your Business
I want to focus today on helping Network Marketers on how to improve your business online, and trust me it's small fundamental tweaks.
Watch the short video as I share with you a system that has allowed me personally to go from 0 leads in 3 months to now well over 50+ leads per day. This system is all about improving your recruiting AND marketing results.
Those that Struggle to Improve....

The people that reach out to me and struggling all say the same thing, "Eric, I'm trying Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and more....". The bottom line is if your are struggling now doing that you must focus in on ONE strategy, master that THEN move onto the next thing.
The biggest misconception about this is that you have to become an expert immediately with all of the different marketing arenas. This program that I am experiencing success with does allow you to pick all of those arenas to market it in. However I would strongly suggest that you pick ONE, focus in and start rocking it out!
Focus in on connecting and converting, and just learning.
Video: Exactly How to Improve Your Business
As I mentioned in this video, to get immediate access to my Sales Funnel Blueprint system click on the link. The key to LONG TERM success is constant improvement, it is NOT getting everything perfect right out of the gate, but constant improvement. With this system you will be amazed at how much you can improve in 3, 6, 9, 12 months but you have to embrace the journey. Hope this helps you! Feel free to share and comment your thoughts and/or feedback!
To Your Success!
Did This Help You? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and share on Facebook
Eric Pannell's Sales and Marketing Blog
PS: Video on How to Improve your Marketing with a Quick Bonus of How to Get 28+ Leads Per Day Coming to You - Click Here to Check it Out

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

If you want to see your home business grow, this is the #1 thing you can give your customers to help them succeed!

Here is The #1 Thing

In order for your business to grow and experience success with your home business you must provide a path for your customers. What I mean by a path is giving them value of how they can overcome the hurdles they are experience.

For instance, for your customers that are running home businesses leads is the life line of their business in order to be successful. In order to be successful online you must have an effective Sales Funnel that converts daily. Many people that are marketing online DO NOT have a Sales Funnel which is the #1 reason why they are getting any success.

I make it my obligation to help other marketers to get over these hurdles teaching methods to get leads. I walk through a step-by-step process on how to set up your Sales Funnel to get laser targeted leads on a daily basis.

I was never given this opportunity as I spent countless hours researching, thousands on training, and really spent a lot of time trying to learn what I want to teach you. Today I am able to generate a 5-Figure income from home by applying this simple blueprint strategy to build my business. Here is a snapshot of what I will be teaching you:

If you want to get daily tips on how to build your business online and generate a 5 or 6-Figure Income from home check out my personal blog at There you will find daily MLM tips and strategies on how to build your business and get leads.
To join a community of online marketers and another avenue to get marketing tips join me on my Facebook Fan Page at I provide inspirational quotes and online marketing tips/strategies.
I hope that you found value in this article today, and I look forward to hearing your feedback. I do strive to reply to each and every comment.
If you are in need of mentorship to set up your sales funnel, get more leads, and build your business please reach out to me and lets talk.
To your success,
Eric Pannell
Pannell Partners International
(980) 395-9888

How To Build A Page and Engage Your Fans To Build Your Facebook Brand!

Facebook Branding:

If you want to be successful with build a business online, just like McDonalds, Amazon, Wal-Mart, you must work on building your brand. The first thing that you MUST do in order to build your brand is set up a Facebook Fan Page. Yes, that means move away from your personal page where you communicate with friends and family, go set up a business page. This is very critical!

After you have completed that step, now you want to develop a strategy as to how you are going to attract followers to your page. This starts with you identifying who are you targeting or who are you trying to get the attention of? I like to call this building my Avatar. This all depends on the type of products and/or services that you are offering.

How Do I Reach My Targeted Audience?

There are two ways in which you can do this, one is the organic way and the other is with paid advertising. The organic way consist of reaching out the people in targeted groups or pages on Facebook. If you sell health products as an example you are going out to share who you are in those groups. Paid advertising is in mind my the most effective way and best way to reach your targeted audience in which I use personally.

Paid advertising consist of setting up a ad on Facebook then set it up so that you can get laser focused on your target audience.

I have experience amazing results on Facebook through my online business that has allowed me to make a 5-Figure income from the comfort of my home office. With my strategy I put in an average of 1-2 hours per day with a 14 hour average per week. I can teach you how to do this directly by giving you the direct steps that I personally use.

Here is a sample of the Facebook Marketing Blueprint that I personally use. I hope that you find value in this article, please feel free to provide feedback and share.

To your success,

Eric Pannell's Sales and Marketing Blog
(980) 395-9888

P.S. Are you trying to get leads on Facebook but not getting any results? I want to share a system that I personally use myself to generate a substantial income from home. This system will put you on the right track to Get More Leads, Sponsor More Reps, and Live Out Your Dreams - Click here to get access

Monday, October 6, 2014

Why Blogging is Important For Your Business And Your Competition is Doing It Now!

Why Blogging is Good For Your Business

There isn't an option when it comes to you deciding if you are going to start blogging or not, it's a must. If you are truly serious about building a real business that allows you to replace you 9-to-5 income you MUST learn the principles of blogging.

Important statistics about blogging that you should know:

  1. 74% search online for consumer electronic reviews before buying.
  2. 37% watch online videos about others experience with products they're considering.
  3. 81% of U.S. online consumers trust information and advice from blogs.
  4. 65% of potential consumer electronics buyers inspired by consumer vs. professional review.
  5. 79% of online shoppers spend 50% of shopping time researching products online.
  6. 77% of Internet users read blogs.
  7. 57% of companies with a blog have acquired a customer from their blog.
  8. Keywords in blogs drive traffic from search engines.
  9. Blogger is the leading blog site in the U.S., with 46MM unique monthly users. 
  10. 23% of total Internet usage time is devoted to social networks or blogs.
    ***Credit for research provided.

Blogging can help you with the following:

  1. A solid base of email followers.
  2. Position yourself as an authority figure in your industry.
  3. Become a reliable source and convert prospects to customers.
  4. Make a sustainable part-time income.
Blogging is definitely a strategy that every serious business owner should have to build a solid customer base. This strategy should be a part of your daily tasks to build a successful business for the long-term.

How do I get started with setting up my blog and start blogging?

  1. There are many places that are available today that you can turn to and get set up with a blog. Probably the two most popular are Wordpress and Blogger, I personally use Blogger as it has served me well. Go to either of those sites and set up an account, then take a tour to learn the basics. 
  2. Once you have your account set up, you want to make sure that your blog is integrated with your personal website. The benefits of doing this is that you can draw users to your personal website to learn more about what you do. Look at this as the ability for a prospect to do a little window shopping virtually as if they are in the Mall. Every time you post a new blog this will update onto your website as well.
  3. Upon your first post you want to make sure you are posting relevant topics that relate to your industry through keywords. For instance, I help Network Marketers to get more leads and prospects for their business opportunities. I keyword phrase that I would look for is, "How to Get Leads Online"? You can do keyword searches via Google's search engine or keyword software like Samurai.
Those are the basics to get your up and running with writing an effective blog starting today. I can speak personally that blogging has been vital to my business and I enjoy sharing my success with others so that they can experience the same. For personal help and assistance in setting up your blog I personally invite you to reach out to me guidance. 

I hope that this information is of great value to you and I look forward to hearing about your success.

To your success, 

Eric Pannell
Pannell Partners International
Follow Me: Facebook
Follow Me: Twitter

P.S. If you are a Network Marketer and looking to get leads online to build your downline for your business you must see this information. I work with Network Marketing professionals to Get More Leads, Sponsor More Reps, and Build Your Downlines. I have a PROVEN system that will allow you to plug in and start getting 28+ leads TODAY! Click here to learn how: