Monday, October 20, 2014

The Fabulous 4: Your Non-Negotiable Checklist for RED HOT Converting Offers

RED HOT Converting Offers Checklist

DO NOT think you are selling a single product or service to a client; you are making them
comprehensive OFFER that inspires urgent action right now. To inspire that urgent "right now" action, your marketing must contain these specific elements:


Good marketing helps people do what they want to do faster. Good marketing actually moves people into their dreams and goals faster.

Good marketing is a mechanism of transformation. Good marketing helps people fight their procrastination syndrome and makes them happier as they dig into products/services that give them tangible proof they are moving toward their dreams.

Good marketing can even create dreams......

Example: My poor college friend who bought the $250 NorthFace jacket.

Urgency is usually best achieved through deadlines. 8-figure nuance: explain why your deadline is NOT artificial but is real.

Example: "Join Pannell Partners by XYZ because we start Alliance competitions on Thursday, and we have graduation is 120 days.

Value Stack

To prove the price is a Seal Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt. People online will only pull out their credit card and purchase things AFTER the "is this worth the money they are requesting?" threshold has been clearly explained and demonstrated during the marketing.

Engagement Questions: If someone purchased your product right now, how much money could they save over the next 12 months?

If someone doesn't purchase your product right now, how much money are they losing by going without the product or how much they are over-paying by going with another product?

How much did the product cost to develop? (The movie cost $11 Million to make; it costs us $9 to go watch....that's a good deal).

Example: I pay for weekly massages not only because I feel better, but I believe they help me work better and more relaxed, so I can create better info and make more money.

Example: I sell travel, so my buyers can impress others with all the interesting places they ahve been and the cheap prices they pay.

Social Proof

Although super-masters can sell without social proof, it is WAY harder to do.

Engagement Question: Whom do you know RIGHT NOW, that can make a 1 or 2-minute video (or that you can interview) that will give a glowing testimony for your product/service?

Ancient Phrase: "Let other people praise you (or your product/services) and not your own tongue. Let it be a stranger, and not your own lips."

Modern Marketing Goal: Rally testimonies from other people who praise your products! (Extra Better: if you have a picture or video of them using your product...that's way better!).

Offer Intensifiers (Bonuses)

It's better to scale back the offer, and ADD bonuses instead of just say "OK, here is the offer for $X."

Engagement Question: What are related bonuses and added incentives that will make my offer better? (Membership to a private Facebook group, special report, and personal coaching on how to use the product, free book you make them, etc).

Conclusion: Every red-hot offer involves the Fabulous 4:

- Urgency: "Do you have a clear and meaningful reason why should purchase right now? Have you built a strong case for them to feel like they are missing-out if they don't take ownership immediately?"

- Price-Proving: "Does your marketing allow them to easily cross the 'is this worth the money they are asking for?' threshold? Have you stacked the value so the money needed to make the purchase seems like no big deal?

- Social Proof: "Are you taking EVERY advantage of actively collecting testimonies from happy users?"

- Offer Intensifiers: "Do you have compelling and interesting BONUSES that are related to the product to move it into the 'irresistible offer' zone?

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To Your Success,


PS: If you are struggling to build your Home Business Online and want to cut your learning curve in half then you are in the right place at the right time. I have spent the countless hours and money to put together a package for you to build a Sales Funnel that I am personally using to earn thousands from home. Access directly here

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