Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Secret To Increasing YOUR Sales Online Is By Identifying YOUR Avatar

Identifying YOUR Avatar

Law #1 - DO NOT attempt to CONVINCE people to a new way of thinking. Instead, locate people
who ALREADY BUY and enjoy the type of stuff like you sell. Why? Because they will buy more of the same kind of stuff.

CLUE: Narrow-Narrow-Narrow - SHRINK your "buyer-profile" until it consists of only the psychographic of people who actually WANT and PAY... they require the LEAST persuasion...take the LEAST time.... they will make you the MOST money....complain and whine the LEAST...and they are the MOST happy.

Example A: Solomon CEO = John Maxwell & Zig Ziglar NOT Joel Osteen & Joyce Meyer

Example B: Condo Travel Product = Middle-Aged Moms NOT Spring Break College Kids

ACTION-STEP #1: List 7 things (groups, authors, people, events, companies, products, clubs, stores, subjects) your "itchy buyers" are clicking "LIKE" on Facebook:


ACTION-STEP #2: Actually GO to Facebook and begin looking around for groups that your avatar hangs out in (be more alert to the amount of "interaction" inside the group instead of the sheer size of people who LIKE the group/author/subject). 

Then pop over and actually "Google" the phrases you think your buyer would enter. List 3 potential "fishing holes" inside Facebook. Before you think of "getting leads", think of "finding places" to put ads that attract the perfect leads who are already buying the kinds of things you are offering.

To Your Success!

Did This Help You? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and shared on Facebook.

Eric Pannell's Sals & Marketing Blog
Email: ericpannell@ericpannell.com

PS: Do you need help with generating leads using the Internet? This might help (it sure helped me), Click Here to Learn More

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