Wednesday, October 8, 2014

How To Build A Page and Engage Your Fans To Build Your Facebook Brand!

Facebook Branding:

If you want to be successful with build a business online, just like McDonalds, Amazon, Wal-Mart, you must work on building your brand. The first thing that you MUST do in order to build your brand is set up a Facebook Fan Page. Yes, that means move away from your personal page where you communicate with friends and family, go set up a business page. This is very critical!

After you have completed that step, now you want to develop a strategy as to how you are going to attract followers to your page. This starts with you identifying who are you targeting or who are you trying to get the attention of? I like to call this building my Avatar. This all depends on the type of products and/or services that you are offering.

How Do I Reach My Targeted Audience?

There are two ways in which you can do this, one is the organic way and the other is with paid advertising. The organic way consist of reaching out the people in targeted groups or pages on Facebook. If you sell health products as an example you are going out to share who you are in those groups. Paid advertising is in mind my the most effective way and best way to reach your targeted audience in which I use personally.

Paid advertising consist of setting up a ad on Facebook then set it up so that you can get laser focused on your target audience.

I have experience amazing results on Facebook through my online business that has allowed me to make a 5-Figure income from the comfort of my home office. With my strategy I put in an average of 1-2 hours per day with a 14 hour average per week. I can teach you how to do this directly by giving you the direct steps that I personally use.

Here is a sample of the Facebook Marketing Blueprint that I personally use. I hope that you find value in this article, please feel free to provide feedback and share.

To your success,

Eric Pannell's Sales and Marketing Blog
(980) 395-9888

P.S. Are you trying to get leads on Facebook but not getting any results? I want to share a system that I personally use myself to generate a substantial income from home. This system will put you on the right track to Get More Leads, Sponsor More Reps, and Live Out Your Dreams - Click here to get access

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