Thursday, October 23, 2014

How Getting Leads & Converting Sales Is Similar To A Marriage Proposal

Why YOU Should Treat Leads & Sales Like A Marriage Proposal

I was doing some morning reflection yesterday morning and I started to think about when I proposed to my wife. It goes without saying that if was a special day, and one that I will never forget.

In the middle of those thoughts I started to think about the process and everything that led up to that moment. We were friends first, then we dated for a while and then when the time was right I proposed. The rest was history.............

BEFORE you attempt to get another lead online I want to share how Top Earners are getting 2000+ leads per month and building their downlines. Watch the short video below as I explain how building your home business online is very similar to a marriage proposal.

Short Video Here To Help YOU

A piece of advice that I should have shared in the video is that YOU MUST shift your focus towards giving 'value' to others and building relationships. After all, this is Network Marketing folks and it's an industry that thrives on doing for others. 

Leads/prospects WILL want to follow you if you show that you care and willing to help others. I truly enjoy helping other marketers to build their business which is why I blog daily. 

Was that helpful? You have to understand transform your mind towards helping others and building relationships. Feel free to share this if you got value and comment below if this helps you and your business.

To Your Success!

Did This Help You? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and shared on Facebook.


PS: After reading this you may be thinking, "Eric, I don't have a website or anything of value that I can share with other marketers." I know, feels like I'm reading your mind, not really because I've been there before. I utilize a system that not only gives me the tools to provide value, but earn residual income while learning to do so. Click HERE to register and learn how!

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