Thursday, July 31, 2014

Building A Biz Online Is Hard, Ready to Quit?

Did you open this e-mail because you're about ready to quit your biz?

If so, please close this e-mail now...

 I wish you the best. However, if you realize that building a profitable

online biz takes extreme dedication and determination, and you're finally ready to learn how the top earners.

 REALLY build their empires, then today is your lucky day ;)

How tenacious are you?

How badly are you hunting down that ridiculous lifestyle?

Do you have a champion's heart?

I'm looking for hungry entrepreneurs who will not quit or give up on their dreams.
Pure guts...pure determination... you MUST persist WITHOUT EXCEPTION.

If thats you then I'll share this with you...I don't hold hands nor do I babysit. It is not my job to motivate you.

You're either on your way to the top or out the door.

If you want to climb the mountain of success, I'll show you how...I've partnered with the brightest
marketers on the planet and there's a system in place that will TAKE YOU BY THE HAND and help you build YOUR biz:


If you're ready to join the elite and start
profiting in YOUR biz, click the link above
and I'll see you over there.

It only takes heart,
Eric Pannell

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

From 3 Years and NO Profit to $25,961.43 in 3 Days! [VIDEO]


Wow - Look At My Journey

I use to market a company replicated website as well and these
were the results:

- I was always trying to convince people to join my business.

- It was a constant struggle and I was chasing people all day.

- I created ZERO profit over 3 years doing business this way.

Then I finally learned what the top earners were
doing (and keeping secretively from the rest of
the 98% of struggling networkers), and
a whole new world opened up.

I very quickly climbed to top earner status
and generated $25,961.43 in 3 Days with what
I learned and what I'm about to show you
today... for F*R*E*E.

Making gobs of cash via the internet is
incredibly simple IF you know how to do
things right... Are you finally ready to stop
struggling online and profit with your biz?

Look no further: CLICK HERE

I've put together a series of F*R*E*E training
 videos to show you exactly how the top earners
play the game.

The exact systems, tools and marketing we
use to rake in over $10,000+ every single month.


We will take you by the hand and show you
how to drive traffic, generate leads, pop sales,
and sign-up reps.

If you are serious and ready, CLICK HERE:

I'm here to help.

 Eric Pannell
Industry Social Media Marketer and Trainer

Eric Pannell
Pannell Partners International

 PS. I'm not going to keep this training online
very long... so get it now before I start
charging big bucks!

New Graphic

We respect your email privacy

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Microsoft to Slash Up to 18,000 Jobs

microsoft job cuts
Sam Yeh, AFP/Getty Images
By Ron Grover and Bill Rigby

SEATTLE -- Microsoft (MSFT) said Thursday it will slash up to 18,000 jobs, or 14 percent of its workforce, this year as it trims its newly acquired Nokia phone business and reshapes itself into a cloud-computing and mobile-friendly software company.

The larger-than-expected cuts are the deepest in the company's 39-year history and come five months into the tenure of Chief Executive Satya Nadella, who outlined plans for a "leaner" business in a public memo to employees last week.

"We will simplify the way we work to drive greater accountability, become more agile and move faster," Nadella wrote to employees in a memo made public early Thursday. "We plan to have fewer layers of management, both top down and sideways, to accelerate the flow of information and decision making."

The size of the cuts were welcomed by Wall Street, which viewed Microsoft as bloated under previous CEO Steve Ballmer, topping 127,000 in headcount after absorbing Nokia earlier this year.

"This is about double what the Street was expecting," said Daniel Ives, an analyst at FBR Capital Markets. "Nadella is clearing the decks for the new fiscal year. He is cleaning up part of the mess that Ballmer left."

Stock Gains

Microsoft shares jumped 3 percent to $45.40 in early trading, reaching their highest since the technology stock boom of 2000.

About 12,500 of the layoffs will come from eliminating overlaps with the Nokia unit, which Microsoft acquired in April for $7.2 billion. Microsoft didn't say how many jobs would come from Nokia and how many from existing operations. The acquisition of Nokia's handset business in April added 25,000 people to Microsoft, pushing its overall headcount up to 127,000.

The Nokia-related cuts were widely expected. Microsoft said when it struck the deal that it would cut $600 million per year in costs within 18 months of closing the acquisition.

Microsoft didn't detail exactly where the remaining jobs would be cut, but said the first wave of layoffs would affect 1,351 jobs in the Seattle area.

The company said it expects to take pretax charges of $1.1 billion to $1.6 billion over the next four quarters to account for the costs of the layoffs.

Nadella's cuts are the biggest at the Redmond, Washington-based company since predecessor Steve Ballmer axed 5,800, or about 6 percent of headcount, in the depths of the recession in early 2009.

The new CEO's moves are designed to help Microsoft shift from being a primarily software-focused company to one that sells online services, apps and devices it hopes will make people and businesses more productive. Nadella needs to make Microsoft a stronger competitor to Google (GOOG) and Apple (AAPL), which have dominated the new era of mobile-centric computing.

Marking this change of emphasis, Nadella last week rebranded Microsoft as "the productivity and platform company for the mobile-first and cloud-first world."

Microsoft is not alone among the pioneers of the personal computer revolution now slimming down to adapt to the Web-focused world.

PC-maker Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) is in the midst of a radical three-to-five-year plan that will lop up to 50,000 from its staff of 250,000.

IBM (IBM) is undergoing a "workforce rebalancing," which analysts say could mean 13,000, or about 3 percent of its staff, being laid off or transferred to new owners as units are sold.

Chipmaker Intel (INTC) and network equipment maker Cisco Systems (CSCO) both said in the past year they were cutting about 5 percent of their staffs.

Original Post: CLICK HERE

P.S. For those of you reading this and in need of a change because of debt or job loss you are in the right place. The achievement of working for Microsoft is great and should not be minimized in any shape or form. But just as if you worked at McDonald's you are still working for someone else and at the mercy of their budget cuts, etc. I was in that situation up until 3 years ago, and I received some information that changed my life. I was able to erase my debt and live the lifestyle that everyone dreams of. If you are in search of controlling your own destiny, fulfilling your own dreams then you need to contact me.

Contact: 980.395.9888 or

Network Marketing Training: Experienced and New Professionals


Are you New to Network Marketing Training?

Which side of the fence do you currently stand on? Are you new to Network Marketing and running around with your hair on fire? Or are you an experienced in Network Marketing and you have been beaten down with the challenges that everyone faces in this industry?

This article is intended to help you avoid the commend and costly mistakes that MOST people new and experienced in network marketing makes. 

Where do I turn for help?

Let's face it, as good as your upline person was in introducing you to your business, they need help as well. This is no disrespect to your upline mentors at all, as they saw something in your to bring you into this business. But the facts in this industry is that approximately 95% in this business do not produce a significant profit to make a difference in their lives. So what this means is they are putting out more effort and money than what they are getting in return.

Although the statistics are staggering and does not stack up well in your favor, that does not mean you did not make the right decision. The decision you must make is how can I work smarter so that I can be in the 5% that are successful? This is where getting the right training is key and to know the secrets that the Top Earners know.

Don't Blame Yourself, It's Not Your Fault

The one thing that I caution you in doing is folding your arms, giving up, and blaming yourself. The fact that you are reading this blog tells me that you at least are fighting to get over the hump and this is what I'm here to help with. One thing to remember, until you get on the right track, you will not be able to sponsor someone else and set them up for success or duplicate yourself. 

Why This Topic is Important To Me

Some of you have already visited my site and it is my hope that you can see the passion that I have in helping others be successful. I was there from the beginningl, frustrated, wanting to reach the top, but I just didn't know how. The key is that in my heart I really wanted to, and I never gave up. It is my passion and goal to help everyone that I can reach regardless if they are my direct partners in my business or if they are in another company. The bottom line is we are striving for a better life to provide for our families. So essentially we are all in this together and there is not competition.

How Can I Get on The Right Track?

There are thousands of other places you could go to get the appropriate training and get on the right track. But you are here and you have reached one of those places. Here is what you can expect from me:
  • Actual advice on strategies that I have done myself.
  • Someone who is willing to listen to what you are facing and not judge.
  • My email and phone line is always open.
  • Willing to help you by putting your first.
My call to action for you is to take a look at a program that is near and dear to my heart. My Leads System Pro (MLSP) has been a tremendous boost to my business. If you want to join a community where you can be on calls with the best of the best in this industry this is where you need to be. This program is amazing and I highly recommend that you take some time to see what they offer.


Talk to you soon!

Eric Pannell
Follow Me: Twitter
Follow Me: Facebook

Why Real Estate Agents Make Great Network Marketers

Why Real Estate Agents Should Love Network Marketing!

The reasons that Real Estate Agents make great network marketers and should embrace it today are numerous. The reasons (or excuses) that more agents are not pursuing a career in network marketing is a mystery. Both careers are challenging and rewarding. However, their are some simple truths that mek me belive more Real Estate Agents would choose network marketing. First, Real Estate Agents make great network marketers because they know trading hours for dollars is not the best way to earn a living. Realtors are used to prospecting, qualifying, mentoring, assisting customers, advertising, creating new relationships while maintaining previous ones, working for customers and being self-motivated. All of what I just mentioned are key qualities of a successful Network Marketer, but residual income comes at the end of the rainbow.

When the BIG Real Estate crisis hit around 2008-2009, there were many Real Estate Agents and their families dramatically impacted. The results of this was reduced house sales, reduced take home pay, loss of jobs, and many having to work part-time in other fields. 

There is a solution that all Real Estate Agents across the country should take advantage of that will not impact their current business. 5Linx provides household essential services (phone, internet, Cable/Satellite, Energy, Home Security and more) that allows you the agent to sell a home, then offer these essential household services to your customers, and earn residual income. 

Imagine selling a home, then telling your customer that you have the ability to set their household essential up with one-stop shop? With that, you just put yourself as one of the top agents in your market! Just like a great moive, you customer will run and tell everyone. Even more important for you the agent, you earn residual income everytime that bill is paid.

Do I Have to Change Anything With My Business?

There is absolutely no changes that you will have to make, well maybe one. Now you are able to offer the best service to your clients in your market. Here is how it will work:

  1. Sell the home to your client.
  2. Set up an appointment to set up their services
  3. Earn your commission for the home.
  4. Earn residual income for setting up the services.
Contact Pannell Partners to get more information on this great offer TODAY!

TAKE ACTION - Get FREE Training!!

To your Success!

Eric Pannell
Pannell Partners
Follow me on Twitter
Follow me on Facebook

Lose Weight in Your Face - Transform Your Body

How Can I Lose Weight In My Face?
In our eat-and-run, gigantic sized options culture, sustaining a healthy weight can be challenging--and the thought of losing weight, is even an after-thought! If you've tried and failed to lose weight previously, you may believe that diets just do not work for you. Well, you're probably right: traditional diets do not work--at least not in the long term.
In order to get over the hump of losing and maintaing healthy weight, you must adopt what should become your lifestyle. Diets means you tracks numbers like fats, calories, and carbohydrates. Diets are also challenging because it leaves you restrive of certain things and little quirky things of the like. With a lifestyle it's a suttle shift in the beginning like eating certain types of foods, at the right timing, and most importantly the portions.
Another thing that is even more important is the types of supplements you adopt with your nutritional lifestyle as well. I have been looking on the internet and I'm seeing articles and searches, such as:
  1. How to lose weight in my face.
  2. How to lose weight in 30, 60, or 90 days
  3. How to lose weight in my thights.
All of which are great things to focus on. I want to introduce to you today what should be your focus and that is transformation. Transformation is just what the definittion is, and that is you start at a certain point one way, then at a future state it is changed to another. This ladies and gentlemen is where you focus should be.
There is a challenge that is centered around transformation and that is the  Hi5 Challengepresented by 5Linx. This challenge is a 55 Day challenge that gives you the supplements and tools to totally transform your body to a healthy state. Not only do you reap the benefits of a new healthy body, but you can earn up to $10,000 for doing so. Right now you should be asking yourself, "wait, so I can lose weight, nice summer body, and make money? Where do I sign up"?
The products that comes in the challenge package is state of the art and cutting edge. You will get a month's supply of nutritional products to help you lose weight, tone, and build muscle. Whatever your fitness goels, you'll have the tools to achieve them with the Hi5 Challenge Kit.

Talk to you soon!
Eric Pannell
Pannell Partners

5Linx Review - Can I Make Money With 5Linx

 The question I hear all the time in the Network Marketing community, "Is 5Linx the 'premier business opportunity' they claim? Or is it another fly by night network marketing opportunities with hype and destined to fail or be shut down.

Let's do our due diligence and take a much closer look.

I have personally been successful in Network Marketing with over 12 years of experience. I have built some substantial income through the years in doing so and have helped others to do the same. I raise those points up not to boast but to share my experience and weight my position for this blog.

5Linx Review

Being that you are reading this post, chances are, you've been approached about starting a 5Linx business as an Independent Distributor or perhaps as a customer and you're doing your homework to better make your decision.

Which is exactly what you should be and make a better informed decision, one in which you are comfortable with.

You have probably went out to various search engines and came across some "5Linx Reviews" or even some "5Linx Scams" post and now you are confused about what you should believe at this point. This is a fair thought simply because, you are not sure which side to lean on. All of the reviews that you see will fall into one of two sides:

  1. Positive reviews from active Independent Distributors promoting the company, products, and services.
  2. Negative reviews or 5Linx scam post from those who go in and did not enjoy success
I want to caution you on side #2, and provide a point without even looking at the facts about 5Linx. Position #2 is not only indicative of 5Linx, but this mainly represents a population of Network Marketers who have not been successful with ANY company. So I would bet most have jumped around from company to company and the same post will be for Herbalif, ACN, Amway, or more. This is because it was not the company but they did not know what it takes to be a "professional" in Network Marketing. This is a very critical point to understand here.

5Linx was established in 2000 and quickly made a name for itself by making the Fortune 500 list in 2005.

The company is backed by a strong management team with a proven track record and a potentially profitable compensation plan. The company's business is based on the offerings of essential household services, telecommunications, internet, TV, Satellite (DirecTV & Dish), Home Security, just recently Wellness, and much more. The president and CEO of the company, Craig Jerabeck, has an extensive background both within MLM industry and with telecommunications and technology.

Now that I have said a mouth full here, we can see the company is stable, offers a full compliment of products and has an impressive track record.

Now I know you are wondering, "Can the average person make good money with the 5Linx business opportunity."

5Linx Compensation Plan

Just as with most Network Marketing compensation plan, there are a number of ways to earn a commission. 5Linx offers the starting point as either a Customer Representative or Independent Marketing Representative, and allows for 8 leadership levels from Training up to Diamond Senior Vice President. 5Linx allows their reps 8 ways to get paid, and includes commissions from the sale of their products and monthly residual income when clients and distributors make their monthly payments. There is an opportunity to earn bonuses, incentives, vacations, luxury cars, and profit-sharing. Back to the luxury car, that would be a FREE Bentley, yes a Bentley!

The question still remains, can you make money?

The challenge here to prove with without facts, or knowing a 5Linx distributor to give you the day in the life that would be hard to know for sure. The other challenge is that 5Linx is a privately help company, so they are not obligated to disclose an income earning statement. 

Back to the 5Linx Reviews

Just as with joining any Network Marketing company, the very first assessment that needs to be done first is on YOU. You need to define and understand why it is that you want to join any Network Marketing company. Take it from my experience, Network Marketing is not a happy skip down the trail. It takes hard work and dedication, especially if you are doing it in parallel with your regular 9 to 5 job. So definitely start on you first. 

Next just as you have done to get to this point, do your due diligence and make sure you feel comfortable with your decision.

"How do YOU intend to promote the business opportunity?"

Once you approach your family, friends, co-workers and other associates--what's your plan to get the product, service, and opportunity in front of a new audience of potential prospects over an extended period of time. Do you have a marketing plan and strategy to reach prospects both online and offline? What I'm asking here is how do you expect to get leads.

This is where I step in and offer value. I do personally believe that 5Linx is a good company with great things to come for the near and long-term future. The questions that I just asked are vital to your success and this is where I can help. If you are in need of an experienced Network Marketing professional who has the answers those questions you should definitely reach out to me.

I encourage you to comment and share this post as I'm looking to get a wide-range of perspectives on this topic. I would also like to open this up broader to ther Network Marketing companies as well.

Be blessed

Eric Pannell
Website: Pannell Partners
Follow Me: Facebook
Follow MeTwitter

MLM Sponsoring Tips How To Attract Leads


Are you always wondering what is the best and fastest way to get leads for your business? Well, that's not a trick question because the answer to this question would be yes for everyone. 

When I first joined my Network Marketing company years ago, I immediately ran out and talked to every friend and family that I could. But to my surprise they all went into witness protection because they never wanted to talk to me again. In their mind I was trying to corner them into this new pyramid scheme that I was apart.

So to cure my issue I turned to Google and started doing some searches on how to Attract Leads online. I came across a company by the name of My Leads System Pro (MLSP). MLSP provides a community for Network Marketers to get the necessary training to Attract MLM Leads online. 

Through this program I have learned how to position myself as someone who offers value. How would your business change if you sponsored one person a month in your business who you did not know until they called you to inquire about your business opportunity. This is the true essence of learning how to Attract Leads is vital to your business and what you can offer to others.

Network Marketing professional who learn Attraction Marketing will end up sponsoring handfuls of people on a monthly basis. 

How Can I Learn to Attract MORE Leads?
1. Go directly to the resources provided by MLSP TODAY!!
2. Watch the webinar then get back to me with your thoughts: Contact Me!

I can't explain how this program has completely changed my business for the better and has allowed me to train others. If you really want to be successful in this business and become a Top Earner, your decision to access this program will be vital!

Eric Pannell's Network Marketing Blog

TAKE ACTION - Get Free Training TODAY!!

Phone: 980-395-9888

"I Teach You the Marketing, Mindset and Sales Strategies to Make More Money and Follow You Passion"

P.S. If you are getting leads but having some trouble converting them into sales, you might want to check out this latest product "Master Sponsoring Series." as many people are getting some serious value from it.

Twitter Marketing Strategy

Need to get more leads? Then you need to learn the basics of Attraction Marketing so that you will have leads coming to YOU!

Twitter is just the place that you can start to build that audience, then get prospects interested in what you do or what you have to offer. Now the important thing is you will be required to have something you can offer, like VALUE! We will get into bringing value to the table in another blog.

A firm Twitter Marketing Strategy is the boost that every Network Marketer needs in their business. Behind Facebook and YouTube, Twitter is the third most time spent platform for users.

Many of the users you see on Twitter, especially those with MLM interest are looking for answers to how they can excel their business. If you are positioned appropriately and have a solid Twitter Marketing Strategy in place, you can be just what they need.

How does Twitter Marketing Work?

For starters you are looking for prospects that have MLM interest #1. You are looking for people that are talking about those topics and of course you will want to jump in and engage.

Where Do I Start with Twitter Marketing?
  1. Do a search for top industry leaders: Ray Higdon, Eric Worre and more.
  2. Not only do you follow them, but you should follow who is following them.
  3. Again, engage and jump into the conversations - draw attention to your profile.
This is just a snippet of how you can get started with a solid Twitter Marketing Strategy. To take a deeper dive, access this training here: Social Media Mastery.

TAKE ACTION - Get FREE Training Today!!

To Your Abundance!

"I Teach You the Marketing, Mindset and Sales Strategies to Make More Money and Follow You Passion"

P.S. Wish you were getting more leads online? Ran out of your warm market? Is your upline still pushing you to make more calls? Basically asking to to turn water into wine? I have something that can not only help you but you can share with others. Access this training as I'm 100% positive it this will produce results for your instantly, Grab this simple course now!

FREE Twitter Training Reveals how to get 15+ Leads from Twitter FREE! 

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