Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Non-Profit Organizations: A New Way To Raise Funds

How To Raise Money For A Non-Profit

Cash is king, and without it, you can't provide the programs and services that your nonprofit is designed to provide. Unlike a forprofit business, you can't promise investors a return on their investment or look to future sales to provide a profit. So where do you get the necessary cash?

Where Do I Go To Get Funds?

In many cases you set up campaigns to ask for it, really simple as that. You go out and ask for direct donations. There are also methods to asking foundations and government agencies and corporations for grants to support specific programs and projects. Basically what we are discussing here is the act of fundraising which is a natural function for nonprofit organizations.

Many small nonprofits have trouble raising money because they pursue every conceivable opportunity, thereby diluting their efforts and losing sight of their mission. Most start-up nonprofits are limited to seeking donations from individuals and special events. Once up and running they might quality for specific grants (usually program-related) and philanthropic donations.

5Linx Offers a Program Called Linx2Funds for Nonprofits

Linx2Funds is a revolutionary fundraising and revenue generation program that does NOT ask supporters to do anything they are not already doing. This program creates a win/win opportunity by:

  • Allowing your members to simply purchase the household essential services they already use every month through you.
  • Your organization receives a one-time bonus and/or regular monthly revenue depending on the specific products and services your supporters purchase.
How You Grow Your Success Over Time

Linx2Funds provides your organization with:

  • A portfolio of services that allow your members to collectively save money and generate proceeds for your organization through their monthly purchases.
  • A superior tracking system that monitors the activity of your members and supporters and effectively reports monthly proceeds.
  • A program that allows a Linx2Funds participant to contribute to the success of other organizations by sharing the program with them and earning significant additional financial resources.
What Are The Tools Provided To Ensure My Success

Each Linx2Funds participant gains access to:
  •  Customizable website
  • Virtual Office online to track your program growth
  • Marketing materials for member outreach
For more information regarding this amazing program, please contact:

Eric Pannell
Pannell Partners International
Phone: 980-395-9888
Email: ericpannell@ericpannell.com

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