Thursday, July 17, 2014

Building Relationships: Why Its So Critical to Your Network Marketing Success

 Why Is Building Relationships So Important

Building relationships is critical no matter the industry you are in, and is vital to long-term success. It's very easy to get a customer through the door to experience your service once, but in order to get them for the long-term you need to have a solid relationship. This is especially true in Network Marketing because you have to realize that you are responsible for both the success and failures of your results.

Those of you that are accustomed to a general 9 to 5 have other parts of an organization that can support you. There's operations, sales, research & development, etc that is there to play a part in your individual success. As a Network Marketer you will quickly realize that you play all of those roles in pursuit of success. So naturally you must develop your skills to build relationships and trust with customers and business partners.

There is no secret that people buy from people, not from companies. This simply means that people buy from people who they can respect and those that they can trust. With those two sentences you can see why building relationships is vital to your success.

What Does It Mean to Build Relationships

The basis of building solid relationships is to focus on getting to know the person that you are talking to. Your initial focus should be on getting to know this person as oppose to looking at them as a potential customer or partner for your business. Training your thoughts around this allows you to focus more on their needs and their pain points. When you do this consistently this allows you to better understand how you can help them person. Through those series of conversations you will know things like their family members, where they work, if they were laid off, have debt, kids going to college, and things of that nature.

As you can see this allows you to get a clear picture of what this person truly needs, and you will build trust. If a person shares this type of information with you, this should be your first sign that they trust you and willing to tell you all that you need to know.

I hope that you found value in this short article! Although it is short, there is great power in developing this skillset to increase your success in this industry. Please comment on this article to let me know what you got out of this and share.

To your success,

Eric Pannell
Pannell Partners
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