Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Network Marketing: How to Attract Leads Not Chase Them

How to Attract More Leads?

Many Network Marketers today are struggling to get leads, and recruit more quality prospects into their business. Once you have plowed through your warm market, maybe signed some up and many are now ignoring your calls. The Network Marketing companies that you are running will offer some amazing training, more than you can put your hands on. But unfortunately alot of the training is out-dated because it is centered around got out and talk to more people. If you look around on the internet and search for top income earners in all companies you will see they have a strong presence on the internet. They have established themselves as authority figures and utilizing Attraction Marketing as a method to pull in leads.

What Is Attraction Marketing?

Attraction marketing simply means that you are not spending majority of your time hunting for folks to sell your product or business opportunity to. As I mentioned in the beginning people spent countless hours cold calling on the phone and walking up to people at shopping malls. Let me be clear, you should not completely do away with those offline strategies. Cesar Rodriquez is an offline, cold market genius and I follow his work very closely (so should you). The point here is you should focus on marrying both online and offline strategies together.

How Do I Get Started With Attraction Marketing?

I encourage you to invest in the training that comes out of Magnetic Sponsoring which was put together by Mike Dillard. This program is really the start of it all and Mike can honestly take most of the credit for this movement. If you ask anyone that has perfected Attraction Marketing they will tell you that Magnetic Sponsoring is a part of what got them started.

The other thing that I strongly recommend is joining My Leads System Pro (MLSP) as they have an amazing platform centered around building your presence online. They provide trainings that will allow you to focus on a specific way that you want to market online (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and more). Most importantly they provide all the necessary tools to attract followers and convert them into quality leads. The leads that you will get here is what should be your target market.......existing and experience Network Marketers. The added benefit here it creates another revenue stream for you in addition to your primary business opportunity.

Attraction Marketing System

In closing here, invest in Magnetic Sponsoring, join MLSP, and start building your brand online TODAY! I hope that you found value in this article today, please comment and provide feedback.

To your success,

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