Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Internet Marketing: How to Build Your Business Online

How to Build My Business Online?

Internet Marketing can be a boost to your business when you add it with your efforts of offline prospecting and recruiting. When you first start out with Internet Marketing you will soon find out that it is much easier said than done. You need to have an offer, you need an autoresponder, capture pages, email marketing sequences and a whole lot more. Often times you find yourself overwhelmed at all of the different pieces to have success online.

Attraction Marketing System

When I first started with Internet Marketing I was in the same situation and as things change I have to continuously keep up. In addition to my Network Marketing business opportunity, I also have affiliate offerings that I feel is imperative to your success.

Why Should I Have an Affiliate Offering?

Most get into Network Marketing and the numbers are stated that approximately 5% actually make significant money with their primary business. That's not to say you can't be successful, but it would be wise to get paid with another stream while you are building your business. Think about it this way, when you lead in with your business opportunity and a prospect says no (like most will), then what do you do? Having an affiliate option will at least give you the option to market to both current and non-current Network Marketers.

How Can I Get Started With Affiliate Marketing?

There are many options out there, many of which are well known and that you shop at today. You simply will go to their site and look for their affiliate section then sign up. The biggest hurdle that you will have to get over is how to market your offerings and get traffic. I will be discussing how to get traffic to your offering in an upcoming blog. To learn about which affiliate marketing offerings that I am currently using, enter your information below NOW!

FREE Training: MLM Daily Action Plan

To your success,

Eric Pannell
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P.S. I just watched this AMAZING webinar recording that finally gave me a way to handle objections when prospecting for my home business. It's called Master Sponsoring Series that works for any objection you can think of.

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