Sunday, July 6, 2014

An Absolute Way to Better Your MLM Prospecting

Attraction Marketing System

How Can I Sound Like A Pro?

Prospecting to many people can be very intimidating while it can be a piece of cake to many others. Most of this has to do with comfort and security within yourself as to how you interact with other people. If you are an experience sales person or just a pure natural you may not struggle as much with this.

One of the strategies that I like to use is recording myself to better understand how I sound when I'm prospecting. This could mean that you record yourself live or you can record yourself practicing. The key here of course in either case you do not want read from a script line for line. The importance of this exercise is to not only get better at prospecting but you need to focus on getting better at just being you.

Most Network Marketers that struggle in this area mainly struggle at making the material their own in how they would say it. Most companies provide more than enough training which includes scripts, but you have to master it by making it your own. One of the scripts that I think is amazing and I refer to it often is by Eric Worre. He provides an excellent pdf called The Hottest Recruiting Scripts in MLM.  This is an absolute must read, so get familiar with this and use it to record yourself from.

Hope you found this tip to be valuable, please comment with feedback and share with others! Connect with me by entering your information below and receive a FREE report to putting 5000 distributors into your business in 180 days! You do not want to miss out on this.

To your success,

Eric Pannell
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P.S. Must SEE 29 minutes video training that YOU NEED TO SEE if you are struggling with your home business! It's face paced , exciting, and reveals quickly how to inject MORE Leads, MORE REPS, AND  MORE CASH into YOUR business starting today ====>

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