Tuesday, July 29, 2014

How to Overcome The Struggles of MLM Recruiting

How Can I Improve My MLM Recruiting?

Getting quality leads to call on is half the battle in boosting your MLM business. But getting quality leads will do you no good if you are not able to effectively sponsor or recruit. Most Network Marketers spend countless hours building solid funnels to their affiliate or their MLM business opportunity. Once you have mastered that now you need to make sure you can seal the deal with some exceptional closing skills.

Attraction Marketing System

Not only do you need to spend time learning how to attract and aggressively develop more leads. You also need to continuously develop your closing and sponsoring skills as well. This is vital to the growth and success of your business.

Where Can I Go to Get Closing Training?

There are several industry leaders that I follow to build up my skills and I practice what they teach daily. To name a few of the leaders that I follow, Eric Worre, Ray Higdon, Todd Falcone, and Cedrick Harris. Eric Worre has an amazing ebook that I recommend to those in my business that are looking to improve in this area called "The Hottest Recruiting Scripts in MLM." I personally spend about 8-10 hours per week on learning how to effectively close once I get a quality lead on the phone or in front of me. Here is a brief video that Ray Higdon put together on recruiting, enjoy!

I have a lot of value-add material that is useful to anyone wanting to be successful in the Network Marketing industry. Join me by providing your email below to get free training and MLM tips to get more leads and make more money.

FREE Training: ebook on MLM Daily Action Plan for Success

To your success,

Eric Pannell
Follow Me: Twitter
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Website: www.ericpannell.com

P.S. Just watched a SUPER inspiring webinar about a guy given 2 years to live and was broke and about to leave his family destitute with NO money, NO health insurance, and NO life insurance. He pushed through and created a recruiting system for succcess called Posting On Purpose For Profit.

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