Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Network Marketing Training: Experienced and New Professionals


Are you New to Network Marketing Training?

Which side of the fence do you currently stand on? Are you new to Network Marketing and running around with your hair on fire? Or are you an experienced in Network Marketing and you have been beaten down with the challenges that everyone faces in this industry?

This article is intended to help you avoid the commend and costly mistakes that MOST people new and experienced in network marketing makes. 

Where do I turn for help?

Let's face it, as good as your upline person was in introducing you to your business, they need help as well. This is no disrespect to your upline mentors at all, as they saw something in your to bring you into this business. But the facts in this industry is that approximately 95% in this business do not produce a significant profit to make a difference in their lives. So what this means is they are putting out more effort and money than what they are getting in return.

Although the statistics are staggering and does not stack up well in your favor, that does not mean you did not make the right decision. The decision you must make is how can I work smarter so that I can be in the 5% that are successful? This is where getting the right training is key and to know the secrets that the Top Earners know.

Don't Blame Yourself, It's Not Your Fault

The one thing that I caution you in doing is folding your arms, giving up, and blaming yourself. The fact that you are reading this blog tells me that you at least are fighting to get over the hump and this is what I'm here to help with. One thing to remember, until you get on the right track, you will not be able to sponsor someone else and set them up for success or duplicate yourself. 

Why This Topic is Important To Me

Some of you have already visited my site and it is my hope that you can see the passion that I have in helping others be successful. I was there from the beginningl, frustrated, wanting to reach the top, but I just didn't know how. The key is that in my heart I really wanted to, and I never gave up. It is my passion and goal to help everyone that I can reach regardless if they are my direct partners in my business or if they are in another company. The bottom line is we are striving for a better life to provide for our families. So essentially we are all in this together and there is not competition.

How Can I Get on The Right Track?

There are thousands of other places you could go to get the appropriate training and get on the right track. But you are here and you have reached one of those places. Here is what you can expect from me:
  • Actual advice on strategies that I have done myself.
  • Someone who is willing to listen to what you are facing and not judge.
  • My email and phone line is always open.
  • Willing to help you by putting your first.
My call to action for you is to take a look at a program that is near and dear to my heart. My Leads System Pro (MLSP) has been a tremendous boost to my business. If you want to join a community where you can be on calls with the best of the best in this industry this is where you need to be. This program is amazing and I highly recommend that you take some time to see what they offer.


Talk to you soon!

Eric Pannell
Follow Me: Twitter
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