Saturday, July 5, 2014

How to Get More Leads and Recruit More Diamonds

How Do I Recruit More Leaders?

My wife and I went out to a restaurant here in Charlotte, NC on Thursday and had the best waiter in the city. This guy was perceptive, he was proactive, basically this guy was bursting with personality. There was something special about this guy that I couldn't exactly put my finger on it but he had it. The food was great, atmosphere was phenomenal, and he provided exceptional service.

The food and his service was so good that we decided to go there for dinner two days later. We go in and guess who we bump into, you got it, our waiter from Thursday. So of course he recognizes us and he raised the bar even higher. We get to the end of our meal and I ask him, "so are you in school, what's your future plans?" He proceeds to tell my wife and I that he would like to open up a center for kids with autism. While he is explaining all of this he has the brightest smile on his face, and there is so much passion behind it. He additionally told me that he has a large amount of student loans that he has to pay off.

For those of you that are reading this and have experience in Network Marketing, you should be smiling right now. Ladies and gentlemen, what he just provided me and my wife is his WHY. Network Marketing is largely about finding about a potential business partner or customers pain point in life. If you have a solution (product) that can fulfill that gap, you are then in position to provide a solution.

Attraction Marketing System

When we left from dinner on Thursday I talked about this young man with my wife because I was so impressed with him. The important thing I want you to get out of this is that potential leaders are not only bankers, accountants, attorneys, or other professionals. They come from other industries as well. I would put this young man against any of those mentioned as he has the gift of relating to people.

In case you were wondering, yes he joined my operation and he is on the path to be a complete success story. Were most people do not have the natural gift and have to train for it. He is primed and ready to be a true success in this industry. The key lesson here is always have your radar up for potential leaders as they can come from all walks of life.

To your success,

Eric Pannell
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P.S. A top income earner is givng up the goods on some his most POWERFUL TACTICS for prospecting in a totally FREE no-pitch. He's truly giving up some incredible information here that you cannot get FREE anywhere else. These are his Top 10 Prospecting Tips....and basically they're simple for anyone to use.

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