Saturday, July 5, 2014

My 7 Best MLM Tips for New Network Marketers

7 Tips for New Network Marketers

Keep in mind, these are tips that I would highly recommend if I had to start my career all over then start from scratch. My wife and I created out lifestyle in a very specific way, which I will be teaching with my training that I provide with those that connect with me. The majority of network marketing leaders out ther would NOT agree with all 7 of my suggestions.

Attraction Marketing System

What Would I Focus on If I was New to Network Marketing?
  1. Locate and join an Online MLM friendly company. We are in the year 2014, not 1950. If your company doesn't allow you to talk about the opportunity on Facebook or social media, they are simply not in reality.
  2. Focus on creating a profit as quickly as possible. To do this, I suggest investing in every MLM recruiting course you can locate. Why? Getting better at recruiting is your highest return on investment skill you can ever develop. It's smarter than learning traffic or how to get leads. Think about it, you get all the traffic and/or leads in the world, if you can't recruit what's all worth?
  3. I know that most people are joining a MLM company because of rough circumstances which means the budget may be limited. But tried to shift some things around to attend company events or something external to your company.
  4. Use SOMETHING like MLSP or Elite Marketing Pro. It doesn't have to be either of the two specifically, but something like that where it has generic training capture pages combined with a way to create profits out of those that DON'T join your network marketing company. I talk about this in a previous blog of the importance in Affiliate Marketing. When you are new to Network Marketing, it is CRITICAL to create a profit as soon as possible so you can stick around.
  5. Create a long term wealth plan. If you are married you definitely want to have your spouse heavily involved with this. When I first started Network Marketing my wife and I sat down to discuss things like desired monthly income, what we needed to walk away from our jobs, and long-term investment strategies. This is critical and will serve as part of your drive and goals to accomplish.
  6. Create a MLM Daily Action Plan for success. I talk about this in a previous blog, because most new Network Markers are use to tasks from their jobs in which someone is telling them what to do and when to do it. Reading my MLM Daily Action Plan blog will give you the tools and a guide to put a daily routine together.
  7. Here is what really helped me from the very beginning, and that is going outside the box of your company to learn from leaders. Every MLM company will throw more training at you than you can actually catch. Online training, training events, and daily conference calls. Not saying anything negative hear but sometimes you start to have the same message, and you need to go outside the box. I stepped outside the box and started learning from Cedrick Harris, Ray Higdon, Todd Falcone, Casey Eberhart, and more. Connect with these leaders, subscribe to their Youtube channels, blogs, and join their conference calls. 
I hope that you found this to be very valuable to your business. Please comment and share to let me know what you received out of this. Enter your information below to receive FREE training.

FREE Training: MLM Daily Action Plan eBook!

To your success,

Eric Pannell
Follow Me: Twitter
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P.S. I finally got the answers to some of my BIGGEST QUESTIONS about Recruiting Leaders by watching this amazing FREE recorded video with 20-year veteran in the home business industry. He shows you how to SHORT-CUT your way to succes by recruiting heavy-hitting leaders into your business!

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