Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Why It is Critical To Have An Autoresponder for Success

What Is An Autoresponder?

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An autoresponder is a service that allows you to build a list of followers, set up proactive communications, and reach out to your audience on automation. The key benefit of this service is to allow you to maintain a list of followers (hopefully customers) and communicate through an automated funnel as oppose to emailing one by one. If you could vision having a list of about 50 to 100 followers and emailing them individually you would never get anything done. Sending out email mostly is a non-revenue producing activity, so here is where the benefit of having an autoresponder kicks in.

Why Should I Have An Autoresponder?

If you ask any MLM Top Producer or Internet Marketer in general, they all have an autoresponder. There is 100% truth in the saying that, "the money is in your list". Once you have build rapport with your followers, and they trust you. You should then be seen as a person with authority and they look to you for guidance or help. Which is the main reason they chose to opt-in, provide their information, and begin to follow you.

Most Internet Marketers are in some for of MLM company but they are also maintaining an Affiliate Marketing offering as well. Let's say for instance that MLM company or Affiliate Marketing company folded and went under, you still have your money, that being your list. Many Network Marketing professionals today are still making the mistake of not having a list, mainly because they see having an autoresponder is an added expense. When in reality having an autoresponder is a must have and should be seen as a way to increase your revenue.

Which Autoresponder Do You Recommend?

I highly recommend Aweber which comes highly regarded by other professional Internet Marketers as well. Aweber is known to be configurable with most websites like Wordpress, Godaddy, and more. Most importantly you can take advantage of this service with a $1 trial period fee for 30 days, then as low as $19 there after. Again, I can't express to you how serious this is to have an autoresponder to build your business online. Click on the attached link to take advantage of this opportunity!

Get Started Today For Only $1! - AWeber Communications

To your success,

Eric Pannell
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