Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Offline Marketing Strategies: Drop Cards

1094c-download12 What Offline Marketing Strategies Can I Use To Get MORE Leads?

The trend today that savvy Network Marketers are developing themselves on today is utilzing the internet to boost their business. This could be in the form of Product Revenue, Continuity Revenue, Hight-Ticket Revenue, and their primary MLM Business Opportunity. Although the internet is a must have option to build your business you still must be able to marry the two together. This means you must develop yourself to be a well-rounded professional in the industry in order to attract prospects that trust you first. Partners do not join or customers do not buy if they do not trust you and your leadership.

What Are Dropcards and How Can I Use Them?

Dropcards step from an old school form of leads attraction that has been around before the emergence of internet marketing. I remember as a teenager seeing cards with "make mony from home stuffing envelopes" or "get money from home mailing orders". Dropcards are a clever way to get a potential leads attention of the card by way of the physical card itself and the content. I use Drop cards that comes in the form of money which really gets any prospects attention and works really well. Think about it for a minute, how many times have you been walking and came upon money laying on the ground........did you walk right over it? I didn't think so, of course you picked it up. This is no different from anyone else because they would do the same thing.

Here is where the magic takes place. Once the prospect picks up the card, they will more than likely pick it up in a discrete manner to ensure no one see's them. They will pull the card out in the most secure place where no one is looking and at that point discover that it's not real money. The next important thing here is in the content that appears on the card. Now that you have a person that is disappointed that they did not pick up a free $100 bill with no effort, the content should display to them that they have the opportunity of a lifetime in their hands. The content that I like to use is the following, "Superstarts Only - Willing to make $50-300K and can prove it. Call 555-555-5555" I would say you would want to direct them the call a Google Voice number or some other answering service that you set up. I have more training specifically around this. Here is a sample of the cards I use below:

I'm not at all saying that this will provide a 100% success rate in getting every person to call, but I can ensure you that you will get most to call you. I hope this tip was helpful, please comment and provide feedback.

To your success,

Eric Pannell
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